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  1. GengarGuys

    Standard Battle Toads (Seismitoad-EX / Shaymin-EX)

    Great Idea! I would most likely go with Silent Lab because it also gets rid of Shaymin-EX. Thanks for the suggestion.;)
  2. GengarGuys

    Standard Battle Toads (Seismitoad-EX / Shaymin-EX)

    So Seismitoad-EX/Shaymin-EX went crazy at Nationals, but then died with the loss of Lysandre's Trump Card. Now that we have Eco-Arm, Sacred Ash, Fisherman, and Super Rod back, I think it is time for this deck to make a comeback so here is my list. Pokemon: 12 4 Seismitoad-EX (FFI) 4 Shaymin-EX...
  3. GengarGuys

    Discussion Tyrantrum Giratina Matchups

    As for the Hex Maniac and Blacksmith I don't exactaly have an answer, note I am playing in seniors and in my state I saw no Vespiquen at Houston Regionals. I did however play Metal Rayquaza for Regionals and placed 29th. In seniors Metal Rayquaza is pretty much dead. The format right now for...
  4. GengarGuys

    Discussion Is Wailord-EX Viable?

    True true. I still think it is semi-viable that is why I have a deck for it.
  5. GengarGuys

    Standard Giratina EX / Tyrantrum EX / Bronzong

    Since you need a bunch of bench space for Bronzong I would consider running Sky Field.
  6. GengarGuys

    Discussion Is Wailord-EX Viable?

    Well M Sceptile, and I know this seems really stupid, I just don't think the deck does too much. Only 100 Damage and heals off for 2 energy. Main attackers should be useful through out the game, not just late game. Now Vespiquen on the other hand is a bad matchup because it plays Bunnelby to get...
  7. GengarGuys

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    Hey party peoples, Gengar here with a question. What should I play for cities? This will be for the senior division and I have seen that the majority of the meta in my state is Vespiquen, Gengar, and Seismitoad Giratina. I have devised a list of decks that have neutral matchups and good matchups...
  8. GengarGuys

    Discussion Tyrantrum Giratina Matchups

    Well for the Mewtwo matchup I can just use Giratina-EX to lock them out of special energy and when I attack with Tyrantrum-EX I discard 3 energy which allows me to take a hit from Mewtwo.
  9. GengarGuys

    Discussion Is Wailord-EX Viable?

    Last year's nationals was taken crazy for a number of reasons. First off Jason Klazynski Won his first Nationals and Second Wailord-EX deck became a thing. For those of you who don't know this what Wailord-EX does...
  10. GengarGuys

    Discussion Tyrantrum Giratina Matchups

    Thanks for the input! Sorry about the matchup problem I just felt like it would be a problem because I can't Lysandre it or anything. My reasoning for Vespiquen was also because I could just straight up not use Aegislash and use Giratina-EX instead to lock them out of special energyand one hit...
  11. GengarGuys

    Discussion Tyrantrum Giratina Matchups

    People, people I would like to present what I think is the best current meta call (standard) that also is somewhat under the radar. Tyrantrum Giratina & Friends. Since the majority of the meta in the standard format. So here is how I am going to organize this thread. 1. Information on the deck...
  12. GengarGuys

    Discussion What is the viability of Noctowl / Vileplume?

    I think that if you played something like Virizion EX in expanded with this deck it could be viable. You can't just run off of DCE and a 4-4 line of attackers. Maybe run grass energy and attack with Vileplume? This is also a great deck idea.
  13. GengarGuys

    Discussion Regionals Decks

    I'll be playing Metal Rayquaza. I also think QueenMarch will also be extremely viable.
  14. GengarGuys

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    I really like this list and I'm glad not to see Wailord on it due to it losing the element of surprise; Wailord loses a lot of steam now. One deck that I do believe should at least be considered tier 3 is Hippowdon, cause it counters all of the decks on that list except for Vespiquen and NM.
  15. GengarGuys

    The New Normal of How Powerful Each Type Will Be

    Korrina is almost always used for set up, early to mid game. That being said, if your opponent can spare a Korrina for the sake of disruption then it's more than likely that they have a good setup rather than the chance of a bad one.
  16. GengarGuys

    Discussion Main Threats of The Expanded Meta!

    Well it just gains things such as Genesect EX, Virizion EX and Roserade DRX.
  17. GengarGuys

    Discussion Main Threats of The Expanded Meta!

    So with Autumn Regionals in less than 2 months I feel that we need to pick apart the meta for expanded and see what will dominate, what you should play, and ways to defend against stronger decks. Here are a few examples of decks that I think will do well. Vespiquen/Eeveelutions M Rayquaza EX...
  18. GengarGuys

    Discussion Thoughts on Hippowdon

    That is a great idea that crossed my mind, but with flareon for Vespi matches. Yvetal is one of my worst match ups, However I never thought of Jolteon; the only issues are the use of search cards (I use heavy ball and Korrina) and also I don't have much space so at best my line would be a 2-1...
  19. GengarGuys

    Discussion Thoughts on Hippowdon

    I've been running it as a one of so far. Mainly it's there for free retreat, and sometimes the occasional Yvetal EX.
  20. GengarGuys

    TCG Stories Thread

    I played a guy at a cities one year who used ultra ball without speaking. He discarded an N, but placed it and the other discarded card on TOP of the ultra ball. Needless to say I assumed he had played the N and began to shuffle my deck. Auto loss, and I sulked for the rest of the day because I...