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  1. GengarGuys

    CP5 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection' Booster Pack Image!

    Woah dude that's an amazing combo. You should make a thread about it!
  2. GengarGuys

    Discussion Predicting The Metagame For Nationals

    Hey Pokebeach, everyone is trying to find the deck with the best matchups for nationals, but why don't we just look for the metagame going into Nationals then go from there as to what deck you will play so here are my predictions from what will show up the most to what will show up the least...
  3. GengarGuys

    Discussion Pokebeach Metagame!

    ^^^^^^^^^^^ Please only choose one deck!!!!
  4. GengarGuys

    Discussion Pokebeach Metagame!

    Please try to add one Deck.
  5. GengarGuys

    Discussion Pokebeach Metagame!

  6. GengarGuys

    Discussion Pokebeach Metagame!

    Hey People of Pokebeach! I was wondering if we could make a Piechart of the decks that all people of Pokebeach are playing right now, or are taking to nationals, or what you think the best deck in the format is. Just comment it down below and after a 20 or so comments I'll make a pie chart with...
  7. GengarGuys

    P!P/Rules Format Predictions

    What sets do you think will be in the Expanded format and Standard format come september? Here are my predictions. Standard: FFI-FOC Expanded: XY-FOC
  8. GengarGuys

    Discussion Zoroark in Night March?

    What about a 1-1 Maxie's line of Marowak?
  9. GengarGuys

    Discussion Zoroark in Night March?

    It didn't mess with the turn one OHKOs because I still get to discard all my necessary things. I also see that it helps in the Jolteon/Rayquaza matchup a lot.
  10. GengarGuys

    Blog The Ray Of Hope Against Dark

    Sure thing!
  11. GengarGuys

    Blog The Ray Of Hope Against Dark

    Great job dude! Love your decklist, and I am currently dabbling around with it right now!
  12. GengarGuys

    Discussion Zoroark in Night March?

    So people at my league are saying Yveltal is the play for Nationals to combat Trevenant. Now I have grown to love Night March. Now I really have a 30/70 matchup with Trees and I feel like Zoroark BKT would help with that. What does Pokebeach think?
  13. GengarGuys

    Discussion Legacy Format Help

    Hey guys, Gengar here. I'm in need of help with the Legacy format. I know I want to do something with Crobat Prime, Terrakion NVI, Mewtwo-EX, Yanmega, or Meganium. Thanks! :D I also think we could form a tier list for the Legacy format in this thread. Thanks!
  14. GengarGuys

    Discussion League Challenges - What to Play?

    So League Challenges are my favorite tournament in the Pokemon competitive scene. I love them because the competitive tension is at a low, and so are the rounds. They are also a good testing environment and are prevalent throughout the year. Here are some of my favorite plays at league...
  15. GengarGuys

    Discussion Lugia Fates Collide Applications?

    Very true but if you don't run DCE you basically forfeit 3 energy.
  16. GengarGuys

    Discussion Is Seismitoad-EX Still Viable?

    So Marowak is seen as a big Seismitoad-EX counter, but I really like Seismitoad and I don't think people will play it for just one deck unless it is put into NM. So is it still a viable deck?
  17. GengarGuys

    Standard Zygarde/Barbaracle

    Zygarde/Barbaracle Pokemon: 14 3x Zygarde-EX 2x Binacle 2x Barbaracle 2x Hawlucha 2x Shaymin-EX 1x Lucario-EX 2x Regirock-EX Trainers: 34 4x Trainer's Mail 4x VS Seeker 2x Ultra Ball 4x Sycamore 1x Lysandre 2x N 4x Fighting Stadium 3x Korrina 3x FFB 1x Power Memory 1x Escape Rope 1x Float...
  18. GengarGuys

    Discussion Lugia Fates Collide Applications?

    Oh true. What about a Magnezone/Lugia/Raikou 3-1 Break Line.
  19. GengarGuys

    Discussion Lugia Fates Collide Applications?

    Lugia Break could be it's own deck with Blacksmith/DCE combo.
  20. GengarGuys

    Discussion Lugia Fates Collide Applications?

    Maybe M Rayquaza-EX?