Search results

  1. JonFree

    Trades & Sales (US Only) I have four Lurantis-GX. Trade me.

    @Serperior - They are pack fresh. Were you interested in the other cards I listed?
  2. JonFree

    Trades & Sales (US Only) I have four Lurantis-GX. Trade me.

    I have the following: Golduck break Luray break Trevenant Break Raticate break Ho oh ex Espeon ex Carbink break Lugia break Delphos break 2x Yanmega break Talon flame break Pyroar break 2x Clawitzer break Hydreigon break I'm interested in your: Magearna ex FA Volcanion Glaceon ex Umbreon ex...
  3. JonFree

    Marketplace Reputation Thread - All Reputations Go Here

    Username of other trader: @Tseus Positive/Neutral/Negative: Positive Details of your experience: Very fast shipment! Will trade with again!!
  4. JonFree

    Trades [US ONLY] Outdated Will Update 11/2/19

    That Gyarados is a lot more beat up that i anticipated lol. I can do the trade with out the Gyarados if I take out a VS Seeker on my end?
  5. JonFree

    Trades [US ONLY] Outdated Will Update 11/2/19

    I'm interested in your: Golduck Break, Shaymin EX (world championship), Rayquaza EX, Gyarados EX (would need to see pics), Garbodor, and Garchomp. I have the following: 1x Rare Candy 3x DCE 1x VS Seeker 4x Ultra Ball 4x Sycamore 4x Lysandre 1x N 2x Skyla
  6. JonFree

    Trades [US ONLY] Tseus' Cabana | W: Volcanion Ex/non-Ex| H: Yanmega Break, Mewtwo EX FA (damage change)

    All cards are NM/M. I just traded away the Flareons :(
  7. JonFree

    Trades [US ONLY] Tseus' Cabana | W: Volcanion Ex/non-Ex| H: Yanmega Break, Mewtwo EX FA (damage change)

    Would you do: my 2x Super rod 1x Pokemon Ranger 3x Bursting Balloon 1x Luxray Break 1x Lugia (FAC) $1 2x Mew (FAC) 4x Jolteon (AOR, 3x Holo, 1x RH) 3x Xerneas (Geomancy, 1x Holo, 2x RH) 4x Yveltal (2x RC, 1x RH, 1x Holo) for your 2x M Gardevoir EX FA (STS)
  8. JonFree

    Trades [US ONLY] Tseus' Cabana | W: Volcanion Ex/non-Ex| H: Yanmega Break, Mewtwo EX FA (damage change)

    I have: 2x Super rod 1x Pokemon Ranger 3x Bursting Balloon 1x Luxray Break 2x FA Flareon EX 2x Hoopa EX (Tin) 1x Lugia (FAC) 2x Mew (FAC) 4x Jolteon (AOR, 3x Holo, 1x RH) 3x Xerneas (Geomancy, 1x Holo, 2x RH) 4x Yveltal (2x RC, 1x RH, 1x Holo) I was mostly interested in your Mewtwos and...
  9. JonFree

    Trades [US ONLY] Tseus' Cabana | W: Volcanion Ex/non-Ex| H: Yanmega Break, Mewtwo EX FA (damage change)

    lol sorry. I thought I was talking to OP. My list is a bit outdated at the moment. There wasn't anything I saw that I needed.
  10. JonFree

    Trades [US ONLY] Tseus' Cabana | W: Volcanion Ex/non-Ex| H: Yanmega Break, Mewtwo EX FA (damage change)

    2x Super rod 1x Pokemon Ranger 3x Bursting Balloon 1x Luxray Break 2x FA Flareon EX 2x Hoopa EX (Tin) 1x Lugia (FAC) 2x Mew (FAC) 4x Jolteon (AOR, 3x Holo, 1x RH) 3x Xerneas (Geomancy, 1x Holo, 2x RH) 4x Yveltal (2x RC, 1x RH, 1x Holo) I was mostly interested in your Mewtwos and Gardevoirs.
  11. JonFree

    Trades [USA] Just got back from XY Evolutions PreRelease!

    I just got another FA Flareon EX. Would you trade Promo Gyarados for 3 FA Flareon EX?
  12. JonFree

    Trades [UK,WW] A few of my Evolution pre-release pulls up for trade

    Interested in the Gyarados Promo, FA Misty, FA Pidgeot, FA M Venusaur Here is my binder: Let me know if you see anything.
  13. JonFree

    In Search Of [US-WW] Buying Pokemon Cards/Collections INSTANT CASH

    How much are you paying for bulk commons/uncommons, bulk reverse holos, and bulk holo rares?
  14. JonFree

    Trades [USA] Just got back from XY Evolutions PreRelease!

    I only have the 2 FA Flareon EX's. I don't know if they're worth the same as the promo Gyarados.
  15. JonFree

    Trades [USA] Just got back from XY Evolutions PreRelease!

    Interested in the promo Gyarados. I have 2x Flareon EX FAs.
  16. JonFree

    Trades [USA-USA] H: Bulk BT & Steam, PTCGO codes, old ex's

    Are your Volcanion EX tins the actual sealed tins or just the promo?
  17. JonFree

    Trades [US ONLY] Tseus' Cabana | W: Volcanion Ex/non-Ex| H: Yanmega Break, Mewtwo EX FA (damage change)

    I have a some Steam Siege packs for trade. What do you value the PTCGO Shaymin-EX at?