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  1. DatSonicAce

    Discussion What Deck do you Plan Running for the 2017 Rotation?

    The Raticate from Evolutions is a good idea, unless you consider the fact that Breakpoint Raticate is actually what makes the deck tick.
  2. DatSonicAce

    Discussion What Deck do you Plan Running for the 2017 Rotation?

    Not a bad idea, just how exactly do you plan to get Mew going that fast? Raticate takes 2 turns to set up without Wally. Mew also has pitiful HP for an EX, 120 base and 160 with FFB. Best of luck to you tho DM me if it works
  3. DatSonicAce

    Discussion Growlithe Shenanigans

    I had a similar silly idea. It involved Ponyta GEN, Volcanion EX, and Trick Coin Pretty sure Steam Up only works on basics.
  4. DatSonicAce

    Standard Yanmega / Raichu

    Exactly, and so many decks play it. You do realize how inefficient that is right? Besides, you almost won, and didn't actually win.
  5. DatSonicAce

    Standard Yanmega / Raichu

    I wouldn't do that as Garbodor is such a threat that Carbink would just be a dead card. Not only that, but Garbodor forces you to use Raichu or attach 2 DCE to Yanmega (not a good idea by any means).
  6. DatSonicAce

    Expanded Need Advice and Sugestion for my Groudon Deck :)

    Increase your count of draw Supporters. You have 3 in all, which will get you nowhere. You also are running 1 Spirit Link, which bothers me. Do you want to end your turn? Here are my suggestions: -4 Puzzle of Time (not really necessary) -4 Fighting Energy -1 Ace Trainer -2 Korrina -2 Focus Sash...
  7. DatSonicAce

    Discussion What Deck do you Plan Running for the 2017 Rotation?

    How is Despair Ray M Gardevoir going to be better? It hits for a max of 180 vs. non-weakness opponents, not to mention Dragonite is easily shut down by Garbodor. Brilliant Arrow is far superior. If you want a weakness hitter, simply play EVO Mewtwo. 1 prize is better than 2.
  8. DatSonicAce

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    So now we know Team Rocket is in the set. If Rocket is in fact a Secret Rare, we still have 1 more Secret Rare to go (Surfing Pikachu was already revealed). I wonder what it could be...
  9. DatSonicAce

    Your First Pack or Good Pull

    I can't remember my first really good pull, but I do remember pulling the bottom half of Entei and Raikou LEGEND, a good 6 years ago. My 8 year old self also somehow managed to get his hands on some EX-series and pulled a couple Delta EXs.
  10. DatSonicAce

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    That Misty's Determination is gorgeous. Definitely going to be played in every item lock deck.
  11. DatSonicAce

    We seriously need Legacy in at least 1 officially sanctioned tournament. Just 1. So many fun...

    We seriously need Legacy in at least 1 officially sanctioned tournament. Just 1. So many fun decks we can only dream of playing again IRL.
  12. DatSonicAce

    Standard Electrode/ Raikou (PCL-on)

    I feel like if you are going to run M Ampharos, you could run FOGP/Volcarona/Vileplume with it. Might be an idea as 170+Paralysis+Item Lock+Simple Setup= A tough situation.
  13. DatSonicAce

    Discussion Vile Volcarona Builds

    YESSS! Finally someone sees the potential in Leafeon. I think that Ho-Oh could definitely be good, it just requires skill to play. Call me insane but maybe Ho-Oh/Diancie EX/Fairy Drop could work.
  14. DatSonicAce

    'Pokemon Super Premium Collection: Mew and Mewtwo' in October!

    I'm pretty sure promos are legal as soon as they release, due to the fact they are promos and not set/miniset-bound cards. This principle usually applies to tin promos, as quite a few (if not all) are reprints and are therefore legal immediately upon release. Mew should be legal Oct. 3rd.
  15. DatSonicAce

    'Pokemon Super Premium Collection: Mew and Mewtwo' in October!

    Yo TrainerChip back at it again with the super early leaks
  16. DatSonicAce

    Discussion What Deck do you Plan Running for the 2017 Rotation?

    So sad that M Gardy is only good vs. Mewtwo. If only it did 20 damage instead of 10, but there's no real in between, sadly.
  17. DatSonicAce

    Have to ask-where did you get that Sun and Moon starter animation? I love it!

    Have to ask-where did you get that Sun and Moon starter animation? I love it!
  18. DatSonicAce

    Discussion What Deck do you Plan Running for the 2017 Rotation?

    Pidgeot/Golbat/Absol could be really fun. FFB allows it to 2HKO all non-FFB EX Pokemon, and Golbat is a great support card. I think Faded Town would make this deck somewhat of a contender. I will say though, Pidgeot, like Primal Kyogre, can be a deck that is almost impossible to play...
  19. DatSonicAce

    Discussion What Deck do you Plan Running for the 2017 Rotation?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Rayeels is expanded.
  20. DatSonicAce

    Either way I'd still agree ;)

    Either way I'd still agree ;)