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  1. DatSonicAce

    As in difficult to play or difficult to play against?

    As in difficult to play or difficult to play against?
  2. DatSonicAce

    Discussion What Deck do you Plan Running for the 2017 Rotation?

    I love PK. My one complaint is that it seems like one of those decks where it's nearly impossible to get the perfect build.
  3. DatSonicAce

    Might play Stage 1 Box. Looks like a lot of fun on paper...

    Might play Stage 1 Box. Looks like a lot of fun on paper. Jolteon/Raichu/Vespiquen/Zebstrika/Zoroark FTW!
  4. DatSonicAce

    Discussion What Deck do you Plan Running for the 2017 Rotation?

    I personally think that Gardevoir stands little chance in this format. Scizor literally crushes (pun intended) the deck to smithereens.
  5. DatSonicAce

    Discussion What Deck do you Plan Running for the 2017 Rotation?

    I just might play what I call a Lightning-based Stage1Box. It looks ok on paper, and I can't wait to try it out. The deck consists of: Zoroark, Raichu, Vespiquen, Zebstrika, and Jolteon (AOR).
  6. DatSonicAce

    Standard M Gallade-ex/Hoopa

    Not much to be fixed here. I would say that if you're going to run Max Elixir, the only option is to play 4. I also would squeeze in at least 2 Mega Turbo, as this can and will save you at times. This deck could be really good, except for the fact that Mega Scizor just about laughs this deck...
  7. DatSonicAce

    Discussion Raichu Circle Circuit Viable Still?

    It would be a great idea to play it with Vespiquen/Jolteon (AOR)/Zebstrika, but this of course is much more ability based. However, it is a lot better IMO, because of the ability to smack with Vespiquen and go through Glaceon (because of Zebstrika's Zap Zone and Jolteon making it a [L] type)...
  8. DatSonicAce

    Discussion Raichu Circle Circuit Viable Still?

    What makes Yanmega Break good with Raichu? I'm missing the point.
  9. DatSonicAce

    Expanded Need help streamlining my deck....

    You also may want to squeeze in a 2-2 line of Octillery as it has perfect synergy with Nidoking's attack, and provides extra draw, which definitely helps. Edit: I also suggest ripping out the Miltanks and just playing straight Nido. Might be slower but packs bigger punch, and allows room for...
  10. DatSonicAce

    Standard Speedrill (Beedrill/Sceptile)

    Shaymin too. At least one.
  11. DatSonicAce

    Standard Ocean Wave (feat. Glaceon-EX and others)

    I would maybe consider cutting the DCEs altogether and running the deck like old Water Toolbox, 4 Max Elixir, 12 basic water, and some Energy Switches.
  12. DatSonicAce

    Expanded ToadKazam

    I don't see much point in the mystery energy. You already have Scoop Up and AZ. A good idea would be to replace the 2 with 2 Shaymin EX, 2 Jirachi EX, or a split between the 2.
  13. DatSonicAce

    Standard Speedrill (Beedrill/Sceptile)

    If it's a speed deck, you need Shaymin. Speed decks live off Shaymins.
  14. DatSonicAce

    Standard Speedrill (Beedrill/Sceptile)

    With only 2 VS Seekers, I beg to differ. Something has to help you out with draw, and there is no reason not to run Hoopa in deck full of EXs.
  15. DatSonicAce

    Standard Speedrill (Beedrill/Sceptile)

    I would rip out the Serperior line. It doesn't really have a purpose, and that space could be used for Hoopa and Shaymin.
  16. DatSonicAce

    Standard Rainbow Force for Budget Players

    Deck looks pretty solid. Maybe work a few Trainers' Mail in? Note: Octillary is spelled Octillery, and Ninetails is spelled Ninetales. Sorry, had to. Some new player is going to get confused, and in the terms of service it says spell everything correctly.
  17. DatSonicAce

    Standard Basic Fire/Metal Deck

    Maybe you could restructure this deck and build a Typhlosion deck. Typhlosion is from the XY Breakthrough set and singles only cost about $2.49 a piece. The evolutions are even cheaper. The deck usually uses 22-26 fire energy and minimal Trainers, making it very cheap. Energy cards are about 2-5...
  18. DatSonicAce

    Standard Basic Fire/Metal Deck

    I It isn't that much more consistent. 19 energy is far too excessive.
  19. DatSonicAce

    Discussion Is Machamp-EX still viable?

    A Poketuber made a Carbink/Machamp/Ariados deck, and it performed pretty well. Very straightforward as well, 2-2 Carbink, 3 Machamp, 2-2 Ariados, 2 Shaymin. Ran FFB over Heavy Boots, but of course you can tweak that at any time. I think Machamp may be a nice under-the-radar deck, but Mewtwo...