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  1. C

    Discussion Relatively Inexpensive Decks for PRC-On

    For cheap decks, Quad Zoroark is pretty inexpensive, runs costly staples, but what deck doesn't. Mega Sceptile is pretty affordable for an EX deck. Volcanion can be made cheapily. The big thing to note is that you probably won't be able to play one deck the entire season and do well (Qualify for...
  2. C

    Discussion Hot Techs for After Rotation

    I think if anything, it will be a local meta call, as in 10/20 players are playing Volcanion, why don't I just play Palkia-EX/Palkia with a few Garbodors in the mix.
  3. C

    Discussion Hot Techs for After Rotation

    If it was like Trevenant, then yes, Garbodor would be great. But Garbodor doesn't have nearly as strong of an ability, a way too expensive attack, and low health.
  4. C

    Discussion So how viable will Greninja be next format?

    It gives you a more consistent game, being able to late game attack for 40 (You can always use your abilities to deal more) and find those 2 cards you needed to win is amazing. You can consistently get 2 free Computer Searches, which really helps when you need to find certain techs or...
  5. C

    Talonflame/Typhlosion budget build

    Yes, and if a part of it is rotating, it isn't a necessary part.
  6. C

    Discussion So how viable will Greninja be next format?

    Yes, most builds only ran 1-2 Battle Compressor, so it is wasn't necessary to the deck. The potential of Talonflame in Greninja is amazing, it is definitely worth the dead cards. Greninja overall isn't going to do so well, but Talonflame is worth it for those who will play Greninja.
  7. C

    Talonflame/Typhlosion budget build

    I think 2 Super Rod is definitely a good idea, especially so you can make sure you have good odds of keeping your energy high. I like the concept behind Talonflame BREAK, but I am only going to be able to put up a Talonflame around 60% of the game, and usually, I would rather spend searches on...
  8. C

    Discussion So how viable will Greninja be next format?

    Greninja is good, like really good but it has to deal with Garbodor, which is going to be used in a good bit of decks. It also has to deal with Mega Mewtwo, which really sucks. Currently, I would avoid it, but I definitely see its potential maybe after a new set.
  9. C

    Talonflame/Typhlosion budget build

    True, true, well, I have some testing to do then.
  10. C

    Talonflame/Typhlosion budget build

    Probably going to do that, can't currently test it out but when I can, I will. I want the build to be as consistent as possible, but the more consistent you make it, the less energies you run, which lowers how much damage you will do on average.
  11. C

    Talonflame/Typhlosion budget build

    Pokemon: 13 4 Talonflame 4 Cyndaquil 1 Quilava 4 Typhlosion Trainer: 19 2 Random Receiver 4 Rare Candy 4 Ultra Ball 2 Lysandre 4 N 2 Professor Sycamore 1 Skyla Energy: 28 28 Fire Energy Why does this work? This deck is stupidly fast, it can go first or second, has cheap attacks, and you don't...
  12. C

    Discussion Counters for M Sceptile?

    Mega Mewtwo isn't a hard matchup once you learn it, you just have to make sure you apply quick pressure and counter their stadiums so they can't Damage Change, and set up for a KO. Even so, Damage Change can't KO you so that is good, as long as you outpace them you should be fine.
  13. C

    Discussion When to KO a Tech or a Primary Attacker

    @poke4trade That is just the state of the game right now, however with every change to the format, how much resources matter shifts.
  14. C

    Discussion Palkia EX Viability Post-Rotation

    Maybe, but in that case Carbink BREAK/Zygarde/Vileplume is better due to it being able to play under Item Lock better.
  15. C

    Discussion Palkia EX Viability Post-Rotation

    @poke4trade Yeah, in the fast format that we are in where Pokemon can deal 180 turn 1 there isn't really room for a card like Palkia-EX unless a Tier 1 Fire deck emerges, and even then, it is questionable on how good it will be. What made VirGen so strong was how it was the only truly...
  16. C

    Discussion Ninja Sceptile

    Aye, that's pretty good. I am going to test out Ninja Boy in my Sceptile Variant to see how good it is. I can imagine in a quicker Mega Sceptile build with more Item based draw support that Ninja Boy would work really well especially when dealing with Shaymin-EXs that are either your...
  17. C

    Discussion MGardevoir/Xerneas/?

    With a deck that already has so many evolutions, I wouldn't run Florges, it is way too cloggy and isn't necessary. My personal Xerneas BREAK list uses Xerneas, Xerneas BREAK, Dragon toolbox, and Garbodor. I am also using Time Puzzle right now, and it has been working out well. Using EXP share on...
  18. C

    Discussion When to KO a Tech or a Primary Attacker

    @Otaku, yeah, while I was writing it, I noticed that there might of been some confusion. I'm thinking about doing an article soon so hopefully I can be confusion free in that. As far as discussion goes, I feel like Timing is something that eludes a lot of players. So many players when they face...
  19. C

    Discussion Counters for M Sceptile?

    Volcanion is a counter, but Volcanion is only good against Sceptile. The best way to play against Sceptile is to make sure they can't loop Sceptiles, so once you knock out one, you can generally win. If you could tell which decks you are using then I could tell you possible techs for your deck.
  20. C

    Discussion Palkia EX Viability Post-Rotation

    Going off of that idea, you could also run the obligatory Dragons: Giratina-EX, Hydreigon-EX, and Latios-EX. Latios-EX being especially strong due to the fact that you could power Latios with just a DDE and 2 Water Energy. You could also run stuff like Glaceon/Articuno/Regice for a more Water...