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    Discussion 2015-2016 Season Rotation

    The question I find most striking is whether or not it will be KSS-on or XY-on will probably impact whether or not I will continue trying to play at a greater level than I do now, as Crushing Hammer is printed in the KSS, not XY.
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    Discussion Emerald Break Shedinja, is it Playable?

    It is viable in the way that Night March is, as Night March has very similar problems (only 12 of them, low hp, etc.) which are alleviated by Mew-EX in order to provide heavy amounts of quick damage, however this deck is much less hurt by Seismitoad (Shedinja with a Band and 2 damage counters...
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    What's After EX's

    RE: What's Next After EX? I think the solution to EXs are cards like the Flare Tools which target EXs specifically, as well as high damage basics and stage 1s (or Stage 2s w/ Delta Evolution). From what I can learn from my research on the SP-era formats, most of the solutions to SP decks were...
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    Donphan Becoming Too Slow

    RE: Is Donphan Becoming Too Slow? I've been tooling around with a Donphan list that I really like (except for the Toad matchup), whose idea was given to me by google's google Gilbert's podcast (google). The idea is to make your opponent fight for all of its KO's by running heavy item draw...
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    P!P/Rules Should Seismitoad EX be Banned for Standard and Expanded?

    Even then, with Dialga, Toad lists will probably run a 1-1 Keldeo/Float Stone to alleviate that problem if Dialga sees too much play. Ei ther that, or they could just use Super Scoop Ups to avoid the move lock.
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    P!P/Rules Should Seismitoad EX be Banned for Standard and Expanded?

    I get a little annoyed whenever anyone responds to the Toad problem with "Just play VirGen", because the problem is that if you are playing VirGen, you will be lucky if you can get off an Emerald Slash, due to Head Ringer and Crushing Hammers (And Slurpuff+Item draw making it easy to grab all of...
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    An ELO System For Ranked PTCGO

    The way to get around ELO sitting is introducing some kind of deterioration to the ranking. Basically, if you don't play for a week on PTCGO, then you start losing 10 points/hour, or however you want to implement it.
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    EX Cards

    While it may not be top tier, I've found that Night March is a very cheap deck to build, only costing ~$20 in terms of Pokemon, really the only issue I've found is in getting Computer Search and Jirachi-EX to improve my consistency. The nice part about Night March is that you aren't...
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    Excadrill Ancient Trait Counter Deck?

    RE: Excadrill Ancient Trait, Counter Deck? I would think this,but the fact that it accelerates its own energy or requires only two attachments to do 140 (hitting 170 on a laserbank) on turn 2 of the game makes it not THAT bad. That being said, you ARE attacking with a stage 1 with only 110...
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    Doublade Primal Clash

    RE: Doublade Personally, if you like that strategy, I'd go with MewEX/Raticate, which allows you to avoid flips, and you still attack for a DCE. However, if you're determined to go w/ Doublade, I'd recommend running a heavy Laser/Triad count, allowing you to KO a pokemon every turn if...
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    Night March Variants

    RE: Night March Which still leaves you with the problem of having to stream attackers which all rely on DCE, which can be quite difficult given that you can only have 4 DCE in your deck and you can only search them 1 time (Computer Search, twice with Dowsing Machine) guaranteed, and for the...
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    Jirachi EX

    Given that I'm currently running a Night March deck, Jirachi is a godsend. My opponent would rather get a MewEX+DCE+Band and kill it than a Jirachi.
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    Primal Clash Deck Possibilities

    I'm going to try to run a Gardevoir deck, but if that doesn't work out/I can't manage to trade for a Gardevoir line/buy one for cheap enough, I'll probably just end up running a Seismitoad/Slurpuff deck revised for Primal clash (mostly w/ Acro Bikes, Archies Ace, Dive Ball, PBO, Teammates, and...
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    Help The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

    RE: Phantom Forces or Flashfire? Given that PHF has so many splashable cards such as: Manectric/Mega Manectric, Sneaky Bite Bats, Malamar EX,AZ, Battle Compressor, Hammer, Head Ringer, Robo Sub, Xerosic, and Lysandre's Trump Card; as well as good cards such as Gengar-EX, Bronzong, Heatran...
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    Slurpuff Deck

    RE: Slurpuff deck? No links/videos, but I did run into an interesting deck @ Cities featuring Propagation to help pay for costs to get more Slurpuffs/Seismitoads onto the field.