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  1. TheUltimateAbsol

    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

  2. TheUltimateAbsol

    Tournament PTCGO Uncommon/Common Tourney - Finished!

    Welp. That was the worst matchup I've had I really should have anticipated it - TheUltimateAbsol Lost against TurtleParkour 0-2
  3. TheUltimateAbsol

    News 'CoroCoro' Confirms Necrozma Forms

    "Necrozma, Mane of Dusk" and "Necrozma, Wings of Dawn" sound like Yugioh Names -
  4. TheUltimateAbsol

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    There are so many things wrong with this card don't get me started
  5. TheUltimateAbsol

    Tournament PTCGO Uncommon/Common Tourney - Finished!

    9/4/17 I won 2-0 against LadyMeowstic Now I have to wait for the next round :c
  6. TheUltimateAbsol

    Tournament PTCGO Uncommon/Common Tourney - Finished!

    I won the game with @Elki2401 on 9/4/2017, 2-0 Good games however. The rapidash was starting to scare me a little
  7. TheUltimateAbsol

    Tournament PTCGO Uncommon/Common Tourney - Finished!

    Tommorrow as in today, or Labor Day?
  8. TheUltimateAbsol

    News Regirock from SM4 Revealed!

    So we can essentially have a Pokemon that hits for up to 70 (or 100 if Choice Band) and recycles energy onto Pokemon?
  9. TheUltimateAbsol

    News Japan's SM3+ Set: 'Shining Legends!'

    So.... this is just SM3+, right?
  10. TheUltimateAbsol

    News Ravaged Plains from SM4 Revealed!

    Wait... Is this defending Pokemon, or opponent's Active Pokemon!? If it's defending Pokemon, attacks that hit everything at once will be boosted
  11. TheUltimateAbsol

    News Worlds 2018 in Nashville

    Expect me to be there ;)
  12. TheUltimateAbsol

    Tournament PTCGO Uncommon/Common Tourney - Finished!

    I'm able to play. My screen name is TheUltimateAbso (missing the last 'l). I'm in the eastern time zone. I hope this doesn't take much time out of my work schedule :<
  13. TheUltimateAbsol

    News Marshadow Officially Revealed! New Movie 20 Trailer!

    I must have missed that. Thanks. I guess the term "generation" for sun and moon wasn't stressed as much as it was for X&Y, giving me doubt that it was indeed a different generation
  14. TheUltimateAbsol

    News Marshadow Officially Revealed! New Movie 20 Trailer!

    Pokemon NEVER said Sun & Moon was a new generation. Just a new "Adventure" over and over again Edit: No wait - it was a generation in the press release :c
  15. TheUltimateAbsol

    News New 'Mega Powers Collection' in May Featuring Four New Full Arts!

    When I zoom in on Jolteon, it almost seems as if it was a not a promo, but a print with the generations set number. I'm probably wrong though - on blurry zoom ins, the promo logo and the generations set icon look the same
  16. TheUltimateAbsol

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    Fingers crossed for Hau....
  17. TheUltimateAbsol

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    It's on Bulbapedia, though I do not know where they got their source. The link has less blurry list.
  18. TheUltimateAbsol

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    By the way, the entire set list got leaked today