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  1. [IX]

    BW/BW2 Black and White Coro Coro Predictions for this week.!

    My wants : PLEASE, I beg, a pokemon relative to a earlier gen (Evo, Pre-Evo...) More totaly new pokemon Learn about the green haired guy and ourself. What I think will be released : - Pokemons like Desukan, Cell...+ Few totally new (the bird and whatever) - Dsi Features - Story...
  2. [IX]

    BW/BW2 Reshiram or Zekrom?

    It's a Torch ! D:< *shake fits* Reshiram for his color and natural aspect. His heads reminds me a wolf/fox. :D
  3. [IX]

    BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

    RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread Reshimam Height: 3.2m Zekrom Height: 2.9m Don't mess with them. XD
  4. [IX]

    Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

    RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Movie 14 Teaser Trailer Pokémon added. Awesome art ! Love the last one with the unamed pokemon. :D Hope it will look like the first you made, with tiny nose/fangs.
  5. [IX]

    Stella request Update [ IX Fanart ]

    RE: Part of my Isshu team Update [ IX Fanart ] Thank you ! :) Mmh besides the color scheme it look nothing like him. D: It's much better imo ! Comparing an otter and a blue pingu...
  6. [IX]

    (1) 'BW' Demo and Pamphlet Reveal New Images + One New Pokemon [7/9]

    ^ Would be awersome =O But I doub't....
  7. [IX]

    Stella request Update [ IX Fanart ]

    RE: Part of my Isshu team Update [ IX Fanart ] Hehehe... Just wait... I bet He will have an awesome water/fighting evolution and everyone will change their minds ! >: D BOUHAHAHAHAH !
  8. [IX]

    Stella request Update [ IX Fanart ]

    RE: Part of my Isshu team Update [ IX Fanart ] Thank you ! You will choose Mijumaru as well ? :D
  9. [IX]

    Stella request Update [ IX Fanart ]

    RE: Zorua Made on MSPaint Update [ IX Fanart ] *IX used resurection, it's uber effective !* Sorry for not answering but I'm back now ! Mmh do you still want your Shadow Lugia ? No new pokemon drawings beside the one in my siggy featuring a part of my G5 team. >: D Made on MS Paint...
  10. [IX]

    (1) 'BW' Demo and Pamphlet Reveal New Images + One New Pokemon [7/9]

    So much info at the same time... It's kinda cool. :D But No info about an evo or pre-evo of olds pokemons. :/ I want my stantler evo.
  11. [IX]

    BW/BW2 New pokemon in Serebii

    They got leaked on 2ch. :D (Oops I noticied I made a mistake, the cell is Gochiruzeru and the Gothie Rankurusu, my bad )
  12. [IX]

    BW/BW2 New pokemon in Serebii

    Ah nevermind, names leaked. :D Green dinosaurus thing : Kibago. Rankurusu : Gothic Lollita. Gochiruzeru : Jelly cell.
  13. [IX]

    BW/BW2 New pokemon in Serebii

    More images : No names. :/
  14. [IX]

    BW/BW2 New pokemon in Serebii

    This ?mezumi pokemon seems to be the rodent of this region by looking at his attacks...
  15. [IX]

    BW/BW2 New pokemon in Serebii Too bad we can't see which pokemon is in the 2 vs.. :/
  16. [IX]

    (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash

    RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl Sounds nice ! Less boring than always four legs and bipedal form starters.
  17. [IX]

    (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash

    RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl Smugleaf looks like a bipedal stegosaurus to me.
  18. [IX]

    (6) Lots of News [6/27]

    RE: (?) Lots of News [6/27] I noticified something. Look at this video and pause at 0:24. Doesn't it look like a gym mech ? And a trainer in the middle of this... Maybe this amusement park have a Gym ? Anywho, the games and characters portrait...
  19. [IX]

    (1) Da Plan for Japan [6/25]

    Funny News. XD (Beside the death of your aunt, I'm sorry for you... ): ) Bring me back a Zorua please ! I'm sure they are real and all live in Japan. 8D