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  1. L

    Help Suggestions on how to run Azuls take on goli/garb

    Ya rainbow energy leaves me open to enhanced hammer which is every where. But you do raise another good point I may be activating the garbotoxin to early I did run the shl latios last night and that 30 to the bench was actually big in two games but .
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    Help Suggestions on how to run Azuls take on goli/garb

    I have an event coming up and been practicing with goli/garb on ptcgo. I seem in a lot of games to have issues closing out games. I know it is due to my ingame decisions. I am wondering if I could advice on strategies for taking on popular decks, Zoroark/ lycanrock, buzzwole etc. Here is the...
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    PokeBeach's February 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    i am a premium member my ptcgo name is nikiangel i live in the PST time zone i did participate in January's tournament i will agree to post 3 non tournament forum posts
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    PokeBeach's January 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Q@grimlaw wins due to @TgHuy conceding.
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    PokeBeach's January 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    round 5 @Grimlaw won 2-0 vs @Supergingerkid
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    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    Gabite with dragons call ability from dragon’s exaulted is now sad
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    PokeBeach's January 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    @Grimlaw won 2-0 againt @risingRaichu
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    Discussion Regionals Costa Mesa, Cali

    Bring food and water. You need to stay hydrated and snack in between rounds. And make sure to get good sleep for the days leading up to the event. If you are lacking in hydration, calories or sleep your mental sharpness will degrade throughout the day which will lead to misplays that might cost...
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    Standard Buzzwole Garb for Oceania

    Why are you prefer ffb over choice band? Is one parallel city enough?
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    Standard Garb/Drampa

    have you done play testing vs zoroark/lycanrock & buzz/lycanrock? I would be interested in how those matches went.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    A bench sitter, Lucario, that can pull any card from your deck seems pretty strong.
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    Standard Tapu Bulu-GX/Vikavolt (BKT-ULP)

    I thought if a vikavolt isn’t by turn 2 the deck basically dies. Seems skyla is a must for ball search/ rate candy. Really is chabug needed? Seems like it would be to slow.
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    Discussion Top 8 at ARG Circuit Series!

    Congrats! Good meta choice.
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    PokeBeach's January 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    @bam1991dbz wins 2-0 over @Grimlaw
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    Standard Volcanion-EX

    What do you think about running ho-oh gx and kiawe? It’s nice being able hit 190 with just a fighting fury belt. Or doing 210 with just one steam up.
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    PokeBeach's January 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? yes What is your PTCGO screen name (the name you battle with, not the name you log in with)? Nikiangel What time zone do you live in? (If you don’t know what time zone you live in, use a World Clock to find out.) PST // GMT -08:00 Did you play in December’s...
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    Help Volcanion vs Zoroark variants

    Anyone have thoughts on strategies to go about defeating the Zoroark variants being played with a standard volcanion/volcanion Ex/turtonator gx decklist?
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    Standard Glaceon GX

    Thanks for writing up your thoughts on this deck.