Search results

  1. E

    [H]Dialga G Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W] Just a couple things

    RE: [H]Salamence Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W]Completely Updated No thanks
  2. E

    [H]Dialga G Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W] Just a couple things

    RE: [H]Salamence Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W]Completely Updated I'll PM you. No thanks. Make an offer.
  3. E

    ~~ Serperior

    RE: EspeonROX +1, great trade.
  4. E


    +1 great trade
  5. E

    ~~ SotS

    RE: SotS +1, great trade, although a little slow.
  6. E

    Shuckle the Snail

    +1, great trade
  7. E


    +1, great trade
  8. E

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic. Lapras EX and Machamp Lv. X?
  9. E

    (Want) DRE Ex's and more!!! (Have) Ex's/codes and more!!!

    RE: Updated! Bought an Arceus and RR box! Lots of cards! CML for Lapras EX
  10. E


    RE: Frozendukie Trade Thread, mass of cards for trade! CML for Furret MT, Weavile SW, Mr. Mime MT, Machamp SF, Scizor SF, Nidoqueen RR, Relicanth SV, Charizard G, and a Poke Turn if you have one. Thanks!
  11. E

    Mods-please destroy this thread.

    RE: Arceus has convinced me to Keep Playing Pokemon. Haves Dialga G/Arcanine G League Promos CML for Dialga G Promo (if stitch)
  12. E

    [H]Dialga G Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W] Just a couple things

    RE: [H]Salamence Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W]Completely Updated Flygon X and a couple Shinies for Salamence? No thanks.
  13. E


    RE: CFOURCOLTSFAN +1 Great trade
  14. E

    [H]Dialga G Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W] Just a couple things

    RE: [H]Salamence Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W]Completely Updated No thanks No thanks
  15. E

    [H]Dialga G Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W] Just a couple things

    RE: [H]Salamence Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W]Completely Updated Nope No thanks Traded it
  16. E

    H: FLYGON X, UXIE X, X2 Cressy X, Dialga G X, Sally X, Arceus X, Glace X, X2 Landmin X, Chomp X

    RE: H: X2Gengar X, FLYGON X, UXIE X, Dialga G X, Arceus X, Glace X, Landmin X, Chomp X, Noir X, Mesprit X, Azelf X, Gard Salamence X for Flygon X?
  17. E

    H: DGX, Gengar X, Champ X, Multiple SP Engines, + MUCH More! Want: Easy Wants!!!

    RE: Have lots of X's! Huge Update! I have 2 PromoCroaks! Nope.
  18. E

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic. Salamence X Dialga G X 2 Rare Candy Arceus PR Sleeves
  19. E

    [H]Dialga G Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W] Just a couple things

    RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X [W]Completely Updated Oops, sorry, but no thanks.
  20. E

    H: DGX, Gengar X, Champ X, Multiple SP Engines, + MUCH More! Want: Easy Wants!!!

    RE: Have lots of X's! Huge Update! I have 2 PromoCroaks! Could we work something out for the shinies and reprints?