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  1. M

    What in the...

    I get it... never new why they bam that in tornys...
  2. M

    Monday, 4/3, Grrrrr....

    READ YOUR PMS BOY... lol sorry... you never replie :( whic guy are we talking about now? I are is consused
  3. M

    Monday, 4/3, Grrrrr....

    If only I could acctualy talk to ethier of these sites dam webmasters.... I was hoping to help reslove the problem but I cant join serbii site fomrs for some reason and WPM never replies to my PMs... dam it...
  4. M

    Monday, 4/3, Grrrrr....

    NO I did not drive 6 hours... no I did not lose... no I did not almost die when tha importan person from pokemon came over to talk to me and WPM it was all a dream and WPM had the same exsact one... wait a second if it was a dream I would have won... lol even the huge fans of serrbii saw...
  5. M

    Sunday, 4/2, Convos Convos Convos

    Glad you joined CloudLink. The thing about thier e-mails is they don't like to give them out for fear of getting lots of questions and junk so basicly even if WPM or me got them we can realy say much about it... they like mail/e-mail to go to one place and be sorted like most big commpaines...
  6. M

    How did you find PokeBeach?

    My had a link and said what good stuff you had... then I met you and you told me to join forms...
  7. M

    Sunday, 4/2, Convos Convos Convos

    I love how you left out a certin site WPM... lol and there the one doing the worst things... ::"unlocking game"COUGH COUGH starts with a 'S' COUGH COUGH::
  8. M

    Best set released so far

    RE: Best Unlimited Card Mr. Mime (barrier) and Rycle Energy, the most broken and awsome energy there is...
  9. M

    Sunday, 4/2, Convos Convos Convos

    Your making me Blush WPM... anyway I sent you an PM I just wanted you to say the thing about POP packs and I Have some people who got many EX cards form Miracal Crystal do you need any scans fomr that series? and go to regionals in santa clara... becasue I would love to see you agian...
  10. M

    Cards that have been.... DESTROYED!

    my cosin cut all the conners of her cards to tell her and her friends card apart.. I cant remmber what cards but I almost cried... on was a recycle one of the greatest and most broken energys...
  11. M

    PokeBeach T-shirts

    Not popular? I almost died when I met water pokemon master... ok maby I am just wierd but the fact that the card sets are up before most other sites rocks.... I go into every prerelease knowing what I want... I love it. about the shirts I can make them if you tell me what kinda of logo and I...
  12. M

    Need Pokemon Sprites (animated) has sprite of almost everthing I think but they have some policy on copying or something but you should take a look...