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  1. Jigglypuff13

    what are the top 5 decks to watchout for in cities

    Decks to look out for: 1. Gallade (SW) variants - there has been a lot of hype surrounding this card, and for good reasons. I'm expecting it to win many Cities. 2. Blissey (MT) variants - this will be beaten by Gallade, but it will still be big due to it's performance at BRs. 3. Empoleon (DP)...
  2. Jigglypuff13

    Monday, 11/12, Lucario Lv.X Tin

    Hopefully, it's also been released over here. If so, then I'm going to get one, even if it is for just needing the Lucario, and the rest are bonuses. However, as far as I'm aware, SW hasn't been released over here yet, so will those boosters be in the tins, or will they be replaced?
  3. Jigglypuff13

    Sunday, 11/11, Nidoqueen d Card Review, TFG Interview, Leafeon / Glaceon Translations

    The review was fair. I'd probably agree with Krucifer more than the rest, but I understand why the others have given the ratings they have. It's just the GatrQueen deck list that I'm least certain about, but it's only minor things that only really fit into players preference. The Leafeon and...
  4. Jigglypuff13

    Cities Deck

    Out of those, RaiEggs, shouldn't be used this format. The lose of the Holon Engine was too much for it. T2K could work, but just play it straight, no Meganium. Personally, I recommend DuskQueen, especially if you use the near compulsory Mightyena Ex (HP). However, it depends on how many...
  5. Jigglypuff13

    Thursday, 11/8, Great Encounters, Card Review, Latios / Latias in SSBB, Better Entei SSBB Pics, Japa

    I can't wait for the article on the declining state of POP. Hope there is also something about the loss of The Place For Games as the (Is it European?) distributor, which accounted for the massive mess up in the release of MT and that few places will have MT pre-releases in Europe (as far as I...
  6. Jigglypuff13

    Tuesday, 11/6, Kingdra ex d Card Review, Entei / Rayquaza in SSBB, OP Press Releases

    Most of the review, I agree with entirely. However, I do have some problems with the list. First, as Lou Cypher said, Fearow is undoubtedly better for a fast Kingdra deck. Also, Quick Ball? Only for turn 2 decks like Quicktune or Blissey, for a set-up deck, it's just too random. Also, I'd...
  7. Jigglypuff13

    Best Deal EVER on cards

    I got a Latios* for about £7.50 (~$15) when the price of them was quite high (aka, last format).
  8. Jigglypuff13

    Should I?

    If you need a lot of cards from SW, go for the box and buy singles of other cards that you need afterwards. However, if most cards you need aren't from SW, I'd actually say go for singles so you know what you are getting.
  9. Jigglypuff13

    Bubba235's 1ST Spriting Contest!

    My entry. Kingler arms (the small arm) and crown type thing on Ampharos body. Hope you like it!
  10. Jigglypuff13

    DP3 Starterdeck spoilers, for your pleasure.

    Both decks are great. However, I think I'd be more inclined to get Powerhouse due to the Ampharoa and Stantlers, along with Oak's Visit and Roseanne's Research. Mind you, I'd probably try to get both.
  11. Jigglypuff13

    Friday, 11/2, New Japanese Entry Pack, Winter Challenge Tournies and Leafeon Promo

    I have to say, they all look cool. The Infernape definately gives the line some much needed survivabilty and Torterra, so long as it some sort of healing attack, makes that line quicker. Empoleon is already great, so doesn't need another good version :D Why does Mama's Concern have to be a...
  12. Jigglypuff13

    Bubba235's 1ST Spriting Contest!

    I'm quite happy with that, 13/15. I was going to do the shiny Sandshrew instead, but because it was green, I didn't think it would look that good. But, the quality has been good in this competition so far, so I have to be happy with it so far.
  13. Jigglypuff13

    Thursday, 10/25, ALL Secret Wonders Scans

    RE: Thursday, 10/25, 126 Secret Wonders Scans Jumpluff isn't too bad, but why did they have to make it a 2 energy attack? I mean, the thing I really liked about the cards was there 1 energy attacks. Oh well. The sleeves and pre-release card look really cool, can't wait to get them (but...
  14. Jigglypuff13

    Bubba235's 1ST Spriting Contest!

    My entry, a Smeagle coloured like a Sandshrew. Don't ask why, it was just chosen at random.
  15. Jigglypuff13

    Thursday, 10/25, ALL Secret Wonders Scans

    RE: Thursday, 10/25, 120+ Secret Wonders Scans Great set, made better by Gardevoir and the Lv.X version being in the set! But, if Garchomp Lv.X isn't in this set (it stupid if it's a secret rare no matter what), does that mean there will be 7 Lv.X's in the next? Ampharous and loads of other...
  16. Jigglypuff13

    The Broken Kabutops!

    Kabutops is good, but will need some set up to show it's true power. Prinplup or Claydol (HP) would be useful for that all important damage spread, then Chop Apart like there's no tomorrow! Of course, there is a tech that could be great, Omastar (DP4). Just a small line will do, but well timed...
  17. Jigglypuff13

    Wednesday, 10/24, DP3 and 4 News and Scans

    I've just seen all of the new spoilers. How great is it that you could get a turn 1 Butterfree? Actually, not very. what about a Hypno + Wigglytuff combo? Just need a way of getting lots of damage on Hypno, so, Gardevoir (PK) with a Lv.X one for Teleportation. I'm not too sure what to think of...
  18. Jigglypuff13

    Wednesday, 10/24, DP3 and 4 News and Scans

    Why do I always see translations late? Anyway, most of the people here have said the best cards in the set, Pachirisu, Gardevoir, Kabutops, Togekiss, Exploud, etc. But there are some over looked cards. Mawile will be big for one reason, and it's a farily obvious one, really. Also, what about a...
  19. Jigglypuff13

    Wednesday, 10/24, DP3 and 4 News and Scans

    Gardevoir Lv.X is, interesting. If you use it, it makes it vital to have big HP Pokémon who won't be KO-ed easily. Teleportation is pretty good, I mean, it's a free switch. Right, I need an army of Wailords now :D The artwork on the new cards are amazing. Jigglypuff, Gardevoir Lv.X, Wailord...
  20. Jigglypuff13


    Happy birthday Palmer. Hope you have a great day!