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  1. RangerX

    BW/BW2 Pokemon Black and White U.S Names(guess)

    Ok starter's Grass-Elitvine-Vipertile-Emperthon Fire-Heatlet-Chubaboar-Emburhog Water-Kotter-Kentojott-Dakenion Aleast it beats Smugleaf and Wotter!!XD
  2. RangerX

    (4) BW Collection Cards, More Sugimori Artwork, Starter English Names on Monday, Cities Items [11/19

    Hmmmm Starter name's ok i give it a shot Grass-Elitvine-Vipertile-Emperthon Fire-Heatlet-Chubaboar-Emburhog Water-Kotter-Kentojott-Dakenion Aleast it beats Smugleaf and Wotter!!
  3. RangerX

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' American Release Date: April? [10/5]

    Who care's when it come's out i like waiting!! iv been doing it 15 year's anywhoo 6 months not to long :D But i do live in ireland and we get the games last like a month or 2 after Usa release dates so i probably wont get the game untill summer2011
  4. RangerX

    (7) Lots o' News [9/29]

    WPM a least your dream is't over i hope you make your Pokémon movie!! and lets hope it looks better than this XD 3DS $300 o.O ....ok.... looks like i better start saving again I dont collect Pokémon cards any more not sure why i stop but i did buy a one of the Old Booster packs online to see if i...
  5. RangerX

    BW/BW2 Petition to make Nintendo revoke their decision

    Hope someting good come's good out of this :)
  6. RangerX

    BW/BW2 Petition to make Nintendo revoke their decision

    I sent Nintendo a nice Email so i dont see why i should't sign up So plz put my name up :)
  7. RangerX

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage - White Version PokéDex Entries [9/19]

    I wonder how many movies we have from this Gen Love this Gen!!
  8. RangerX

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    I wonder what Meloia Step Forme looks like :) I want these game's Sooooo bad
  9. RangerX

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    @Bugaham lol Good luck hope you have funn XD But i can wait like i waited 4 the last 15 years so im not changing. Plus i love looking at the Pokemon adds on the Tv it gets me So Excited :)
  10. RangerX

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    @Bugaham My japanese is not good enough to read the whole game soo i wait :) @Every one who is looking 4 a Rom stop you wount get it hear and if you keep asking you probaly get banned just sayin
  11. RangerX

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    @Timeshift I know how you feel im from Ireland But hey we can Import the games From usa :)
  12. RangerX

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    Wow its alot 2 take in i did't like the Pokémon when i 1st saw them But then i looked at each one of them for like 5 mins and now i love them all .Best Gen ever!,my fav are 1:Daikenki 2:Shinpora 3:Kirikizan 4:Kyuremu 5:Kerudio 6:Meloia 7:Genosekuto 8:Kojondo 9:Ononokusu 10:Tamagetake Ok things i...
  13. RangerX

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    Omg awesome Wooooooo And to all the Ppl who thought the Starter Evolution were fake HA! i love that werid Bird Pokémon its awesome XD and the Panter, One thing tho is there more HM's i did't see any new Hm's yet .....hmmm o well XD POKEMON RULES!!
  14. RangerX

    (1) Isshu's Gym Leader's Revealed! [9/15]

    I dont know the picture is confussing me anywhoo if they are the gym leader's im happy :D
  15. RangerX

    BW/BW2 on 2ch they have taken a picture of a page in the b/w manual (SPOILERS)

    Eeeek no im not a trolling i was just confused about the picture that serebii posted up sry =[
  16. RangerX

    BW/BW2 on 2ch they have taken a picture of a page in the b/w manual (SPOILERS)

    Is this ture Hmmmm looks fishy i dont see Dento and Aloe.....why cover the first 2 gym leader's?? I think it may be fake
  17. RangerX

    (1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

    Lol awesome I love the Mushroom Pokemon its Soooooo Kawaii XD Yes the starter Evolution are real Yes Ha XD
  18. RangerX

    (1) New Cat Pokemon in BW Special [9/6]

    Awwww Its sooo Kawaii I love it its on my team Now XD
  19. RangerX

    BW/BW2 Next CoroCoro info leaked?

    ERmmm i dont belive this unless i see some Proof Hehe i like John Glover he's a great Actor:D
  20. RangerX

    BW/BW2 New Pokéballs

    @JacobeTheElf Hehe i do th same thing