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  1. P

    Finished Members vs Staff Members (You-person-person-you)

    Fifteen revolutions around the sun.[/count]
  2. P

    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    Nine out of ten, again? Anyway, theoretically speaking, my signature rating would vary from time to time, even if the same person were to rate me thanks to the rotation of images.[/rateagain]
  3. P

    Official Media Topic - Post ALL videos here, Youtube or not.

    For all of the people wondering where my avatar and signature come from, behold, little girls as Gundams. No wait, that was an understatement. I meant, little girls as Super Saiyans.[/origin]
  4. P

    What are you wearing?

    I'm wearing...nothing. Nothing impressive that is, blue plaid patterned shorts and a white undershirt.[/nothing]
  5. P

    Favorite Lyric?

    Good ol' Barry Manilow lyrics are good, and his songs are great. But for some subliminal reason, I picked O-Town's All Or Nothing. Talk about early 2000s. Putting that aside, almost anything J-pop is done with so much artistry and given so much poetic value that I sometimes wish that I were...
  6. P

    Finished Members vs Staff Members (You-person-person-you)

    @TofU: That's what "so far" was for. I knew that my staff baiting was going to work perfectly. Too perfectly in fact. Bah. One.[/justasplanned]
  7. P

    Finished Members vs Staff Members (You-person-person-you)

    @rage780: Well, so far, your guess is inaccurate. :3 Sixteen.[/nextnumber]
  8. P

    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    Nine out of ten once more for the same reasons.[/rating]
  9. P

    Finished Rate My Avatar (You-person-person-you)

    Ten, out of ten. What can I say? I like anime girls too.[/perfectrating]
  10. P

    Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

    RE: Pokemon Plotholes! @Pokequaza: And that coconut egg nest like thing too. Seriously, have them follow you around in a volcanic area, and you can expect them to "scramble".[/lamepun]
  11. P

    summer's at the door.

    Oh, I have heaps to do, like read (on forums), and write (on forums), and read (books), and write (poetry and prose), and do some strenuous Taekwondo training. *Cue Eye of the Tiger "Gonna fly now" trope montage* Do chores, maybe get a job or two, watch some good ol' anime. And yes, I'm still...
  12. P

    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    Eight out of ten. Vivid clarity, but its dimensions are that of a forum banner's.[/toobig]
  13. P

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the sixth round (yppy) Why do we even bother? Eight. *Hopes for the "8" to get toppled horizontally so that it could become infinity.[/yeahright]
  14. P

    Finished Bang Your Head On The Keyboard Game

    eww Everyone walks westward.[/eww]
  15. P

    Finished Members vs Staff Members (You-person-person-you)

  16. P

    Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

    RE: Pokemon Plotholes! It wouldn't go that far (unless they'd be desperate enough to lure people into playing senseless games). >.> Togepi is an exception though, being a half egg, half pre-chick stage avian.[/exception]
  17. P

    Finished Members vs Staff Members (You-person-person-you)

  18. P

    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    @SotS: I like the repeated whacking, you could stare at it all day; especially when the one whacking is a zillion kinds of moe in a single package. Nine out of ten again, for similar reasons. Great render, no idea where it's from.[/rate]
  19. P

    Halo 3 ODST

    Goodbye shields, hello to covert protection. Gone are the days when you could get spammed by plasma rifle bolts, hide, then heal, again, and again, and again. I won't be surprised if most of the amateurs are disappointed. Most likely because they rely on shields too much, boohoo. Now is the era...
  20. P

    First Game You've Played?

    Most likely something on the Atari; Pacman if my memory serves me right. It could be Super Mario or Duck Hunt. Even Ninja Gaiden. For all I care, it could've been Pong.[/dunno]