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  1. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion Why is Gardevoir so hard to play? Even with good starts, I still lose.

    Simple. Stop making bad plays and start predicting their knockouts. Search for 2 raltz and a vulpix turn 1 so u have a better chance of gardy turn 2
  2. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion Greninja BREAK 2018

    Lol thanks but that 1/20 game will be an auto win
  3. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion Greninja BREAK 2018

    I'm going to Hartford this weekend and will be teching in giratina because I know how dangerously good that card is. But if you are at a smaller tournament I wouldn't worry about it
  4. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Advice on a Volcanion Deck Before Hartford Connecticut Regionals

    That's not the point. Even the best deck in format is at a disadvantage to greninja. Most of your deck being weak to water just makes that matchup 10× worse. Your only hope is teching in giratina promo. Or except the auto loss
  5. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Advice on a Volcanion Deck Before Hartford Connecticut Regionals

    Fine have fun losing to greninja and ninetails I tried to help
  6. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Advice on a Volcanion Deck Before Hartford Connecticut Regionals

    That takes care of jolteon but greninja loves all the water weakness.
  7. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Advice on a Volcanion Deck Before Hartford Connecticut Regionals

    No because a good player will just have a single jolteon on field and sweep your whole deck while still being able to guzma. If u don't drop another Pokemon turtonator will be 2 shot by the lone jolteon
  8. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Advice on a Volcanion Deck Before Hartford Connecticut Regionals

    She'll trap against jolteon is just stupid because every deck runs at least 3 guzma. Increasing the salazzle count sounds a lot better
  9. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion Greninja BREAK 2018

    I like 2-2 but I also like at least 3 booklet hill
  10. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Advice on a Volcanion Deck Before Hartford Connecticut Regionals

    Better to be a little less consistent than facing an autoloss...just my opinion and playstyle tho
  11. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Advice on a Volcanion Deck Before Hartford Connecticut Regionals

    Not really I added the giratina auto loss which might be the worse on yet. And about jolteon if u think a 1-1 salazzle tech is going to win u that match up fine but it's pretty obvious if u prize any piece u auto lose and if the opponent knows this he will target sandle as soon as he can. How...
  12. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion SM4 Worst Set Ever?

    This set is trash plain and simple. Shining legends is better. Buzzhole gx is good tho
  13. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion Greninja BREAK 2018

    Oh well skip the talenflame and go in on octilery line and through a tapu fini in there
  14. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion Greninja BREAK 2018

    You lose to giratina promo, find a new deck
  15. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Advice on a Volcanion Deck Before Hartford Connecticut Regionals

    I'm sorry you actually except the autoloss to gardy, ninetails, jolteon and greninja. I play a ho oh kiawe deck and have teched against all of the autolosses. U should do the same
  16. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Advice on a Volcanion Deck Before Hartford Connecticut Regionals

    Soooo, your just going to except your autoloss to ninetails, jolteon, and gardy
  17. Mega Mewtwo

    Help What Will Replace N

    Judge will most likely get reprinted over N. It's not as broken
  18. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion Broken Cards...

    No point in explaining yourself to that guy. He's about as smart as an ironing board. I agree with u kiawe is broken which is why 1 run 4 of them and 4 lele and 4 ho oh lol. It's too good going 1st.
  19. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion Broken Cards...

    I've been saying this since sun and moon. They should errata to non gx as well