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  1. Mega Mewtwo

    News Gengar From SM4 Revealed!

    Seems like it will be good with alolan vulpex and ninetails gx. Set up a bunch of hangar and snipe with ninetails with dumbbells attached
  2. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Crabominable / Tapu Koko Post BUS

    Mew helps you hit anything weak to psychic and let's you not auto lose to glacion
  3. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    The silazzle gx isn't a bad tech. It gets u over jolteon ex and vileplume!
  4. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    All I do is make use of my 4 wishful baton so the energy can go to say a baby volcanion who 1 shots alolan ninetails with 1 steam up. Water decks don't pose a threat to good players.
  5. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    It's more of a midgame card to slap on right before your pokemon is knocked out. U basically have to pray the don't get blower. U try to make them waste blower on other things
  6. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    Nest ball gets me ho oh I'm no rookie I know I can't get lele. I run 4 lele 4 kiawe 4 ultra ball. I get one of those turn 1. I run 4 brooklet hill which gets me rameraid turn 1. I run 4 octilery which I usually have turn 2. I run 3 guzma so I can just stream attacking with ho oh. U get it lol
  7. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    I run 4 octilery it's very consistent
  8. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    I run 4 lele as well ,a couple nest ball i get turn 1 kiawe on ho oh every game. 4 brooklet hill gets volcanion and wishful baton is the icing on the cake. It's not hard
  9. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    I run 4 wishful baton I want to get ohko
  10. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    That's what the 3 volcanion ex is in there for lol
  11. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    Turtonator is weak to water. Enough said
  12. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion The New "Safeguard" Abilities are Broken...

    Ex and gx are so broken they all have a rule saying they take up 2 prizes. These new ex and gx basic pokemon have 190 hp when most stage 2 non ex/gx have 170 hp. Stage 2 gx have 250 hp with ridicules effects and attacks that are so broken they can only be used once per game. Back in s/p era I...
  13. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion The New "Safeguard" Abilities are Broken...

    Did u just say ex and gx aren't broken? LMAO you must not play pokemon
  14. Mega Mewtwo

    Discussion The New "Safeguard" Abilities are Broken...

    Lol they did recently make a non ex/gx mewtwo that isn't half bad. It's not hard to tech against safeguard. Learn how to strategize and not just rely on broken expensive ex/gx cards
  15. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    I'm running 4 ho oh gx 3 volcanion ex and 1 lele for my attackers and I usually turn 1 kiawe. Have fun losing to water guys
  16. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    It's bad. Why attach 4 energy to turtonator when u can do it to ho oh. Ho oh has lightning weakness as well. Why use turtonator gx move when the basic volcanion 1 energy attack is 10 times better and doesn't give up 2 prizes lol and does damage with 1 energy. It's just a matter of time till...
  17. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Turonator GX Decklist(Input Please!)

    Turtonator is bad, choose a different deck
  18. Mega Mewtwo

    Standard Crabominable / Tapu Koko Post BUS

    Take out koko and put in Mew ex. Put in 4 accerolla as well to recycle attackers.
  19. Mega Mewtwo

    Alt. Format Ho-Oh GX (Post 2017 Rotation)

    I like it. I would take out charizard gx for m charizard ex. The one that does 100 plus 50 for each fire attached. And up kiawe to 3 and wishful baton to 4