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  1. GymLdrJesse

    Standard My crazy, insane Gourgeist deck

    Oh I see. Well this is certainly an untapped archetype so play it the way you see fit. :)
  2. GymLdrJesse

    Standard Xerneas BREAK!

    Another fun thing you could do with shining ho-oh is slap a counter energy + 2 more energy and OHKO golisopod+any metal pokemon!
  3. GymLdrJesse

    Standard Xerneas BREAK!

    I really like the idea of a shining ho-oh tech. Originally I thought about Hoopa (shining legends) to stack energy on, but most decks have an easy way to get past safeguard. You could just put 2 energy on ho-oh and be completely safe unless your ability gets locked. Counter energy I am not...
  4. GymLdrJesse

    Standard Xerneas BREAK!

    Sorry for late response. Yes, it is fine to post your list. I am going to update this one myself soon.
  5. GymLdrJesse

    Standard My Gardivoir GX build

    Ok that's fine. I highly suggest the 2 choice bands.
  6. GymLdrJesse

    Standard My crazy, insane Gourgeist deck

    This list looks similar to Andrew Mahone's list from Derium's Pokémon. I would suggest at least 2 guzma to pull up those GXs. You need Ns & Sycamores. Even with octillery, you don't want a dead hand. For starters, I would suggest: -4 energy lotto, -3 evosoda, -2 brooklet hill, -2 rescue...
  7. GymLdrJesse

    Standard Turbo Buzzwole 2.0

    I agree with the Fates Collide Zygarde. It's definitely better as it hits for 120 and has the option of attacking with 2 energy. The 10 damage to your bench is never really a problem. 9 energy is fine with max elixir. the two lists that made top 32 @ London ran 9 energy with elixir. Other than...
  8. GymLdrJesse

    Exeggudos (Gyarados GX/Alolan Exeggutor GX)

    If you are serious about this deck, I might suggest focusing on either gyarados or exeggutor. If you would like good lists for either, pm me :)
  9. GymLdrJesse

    Standard The Meanest Gardevoir-GX Build

    Interesting that you combined both builds...I would think that would decrease consistency but im sure its still strong. I play brokenvoir as one of my main decks and I definitely miss magical ribbon. I might suggest -1 max potion for a second gallade.
  10. GymLdrJesse

    Standard My Gardivoir GX build

    Either bump the octillery line to 1-1 or just play oranguru instead. There is not enough room for 2-2. My suggestions from playing/playing against gardy lately is you either go with the "brokenvoir" build (max potions instead of sylveon) or the traditional sylveon build. Your list is closer to...
  11. GymLdrJesse

    Help Buzzwole gx and Drampa gx

    If you had no evolutions then it might be hard to get bench damage to use berserk. That is why garbodor is such a strong partner. You can play a drampa/garb deck and tech in a buzzwole if you would like.
  12. GymLdrJesse

    Help Good Tech for Golisopod/Zoroark Mirror

    +1 acerola/max potion/turtonator makes the mirror easier. The matchup will come down to who can acerola at the right time. Having 4 copies instead of 3 or 3+max potion makes it easier. Turtonator is splashable agaianst golisopod for weakness and only requires a DCE.
  13. GymLdrJesse

    Expanded Celesteela-GX/Alolan Dugtrio/Gallade BKT

    Im interested in running a list like this but for standard format. There is a lot of things I like about it: Pros: - The fact that you win vs gardy is already appealing. All you need is the dce, metal and choice band for OHKOs. Not to mention you have weakness vs ninetales as well! - 200hp...
  14. GymLdrJesse

    Help Playing Gardevoir (Mirror Match Advice)

    So I finally decided to hop on the Gardy wagon and would like some advice on the deck in general. I know the mirror match is super important to learn. Here are some questions (I am running Gallade, Octillery & Sylveon) 1. In the mirror, what are you looking to do? Are you only attacking when...
  15. GymLdrJesse

    Standard Buzzwole GX Rush (Anti-Evo Deck)

    I played a couple league tournaments with this list and won one & got 3rd in the second. The deck is definitely strong, I would say at least tier 2. It really puts the pressure on most evolution decks. It really is good when you get the turn 1 strong energy & ffb. This doesn't happen as often...
  16. GymLdrJesse

    Standard Buzzwole GX Rush (Anti-Evo Deck)

    I am not running Zygarde anymore. It ended up not making much sense, because I would rather stack energy on a benched buzzwole so I can knuckle impact. Trashalance is just too strong not to run. I am struggling to take those last 2 prizes a lot of the time, and having the threat of garb is...
  17. GymLdrJesse

    Standard Buzzwole GX Rush (Anti-Evo Deck)

    Yes, I am running just rainbows now. Although Im not super excited running a lot of special energy, it is better than awkwardly running fighting+psychic.
  18. GymLdrJesse

    Standard Buzzwole GX Rush (Anti-Evo Deck)

    I have been testing Po Town and it seems like the best bet at the moment with all the stage 2 decks. It even helps put free 30 dmg on stage 1 decks.
  19. GymLdrJesse

    Alt. Format BKT-CRI: Buzzwole GX/Garbodor

    I tried a list with max elixirs and 8 fighting energy but it just did not feel like I was hitting them very often, especially compared to a 15 fire energy volcanion list (which is one of my main decks).
  20. GymLdrJesse

    Alt. Format BKT-CRI: Buzzwole GX/Garbodor

    I changed up my list to be 3 trubbish, 2 garbotoxin and 1 trashalanche. I like having the extra trubbish because if you prize 1 then its really hard to get the lock out sometimes. The 1 trashalanche is fine because im running 2 rescue stretcher and it really is nice to have that item pressure...