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  1. C

    Discussion Sun and Moon Presence in Anaheim Regional

    Anaheim will really be interesting and new things will pop up
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    Discussion Sun and Moon Presence in Anaheim Regional

    Yeah, But i think that the main changes will be those Basic GX with high HP and FFB. Plus a lot of them have low energy requirements
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    Discussion Sun and Moon Presence in Anaheim Regional

    Knowing that Sun and Moon will be legal for Regionals in Anaheim, what are your predictions on what decks and cards will be seeing some play for such regional. Also what changes will be made to the current meta decks adding Sun and Moon cards? We know that Grass Type decks are getting huge...
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    Standard M Scizor with Water Zoroark

    I played a couple of matches with this deck and it did incredible well against Volcanion and Flareon, but did not do so good overall in other matchups. It is like some say, The deck is already good overall against most of the format, Volcanion is just the hardest matchup and its handicap.
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    Standard M Scizor with Water Zoroark

    Hello everyone, I'm thinking of building something like this as an answer to tournaments where Volcanion is a big threat. Any changes or suggestions to make it as versatile as possible? Might cut Hoopa and 1 shaymin still loooking for things to make this deck run. Currently play it with...
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    Standard Xerneas BREAK/Giratina w/Mew

    Thanks! Will definetely apply these changes. Just one question, why is it better to run 3 Giratinas instead of 2?
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    Standard M Scizor/ Garbodor

    Thank You! Is it effective and consistent to remove all trainers mail and play with puzzle of time? Also what I PoTs
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    Standard M Scizor/ Garbodor

    Which Blog? There are several
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    Standard M Scizor/ Garbodor

    Hello Pokebeach! Need some constructive roast towards this deck for a LC this weekend. The most utilized decks in league are M Mewtwo, Darkrai/Giratina, Darkbox, Xerneas BREAK variants (gardevoir, giratina), Rainbow Road, Fight Alone Lucario. THANKS! Pokemon (14) Scizor EX - 4 M Scizor EX -...
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    Standard Xerneas BREAK/Giratina w/Mew

    Hello Pokebeach! Need some constructive roast towards this deck for a LC this weekend. The most utilized decks in league are M Mewtwo, Darkrai/Giratina, Darkbox, Xerneas BREAK variants (gardevoir, giratina), Rainbow Road, Fight Alone Lucario. THANKS! Mew is teched to counter M Mewtwo and Ninja...
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    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    I (chacks13) won against jbcheshire (macboy02) 2-0. Game was played at 1:30 Pm Pacific Time on September 23 f 2016 @jbcheshire
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    Discussion Ninja Boy Deck Ideas...But Which One!?

    Im thinking of adding 2 ninja boys into my Xerneas BREAK/Giratina EX deck
  13. C

    Blog Iron Crushing the Format: An In-Depth Mega Scizor Review

    I still managed to end up in a higher rank than that deck. Im guessing it does have bad matchups against other decks. It only has a good chance against Scizor.
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    Blog Iron Crushing the Format: An In-Depth Mega Scizor Review

    We need to find a way to effectively stop the Volcanion Matchup. It is gaining hype in several league challenges and theres gotta be a way that this can stop. I went 5-1 in my league and that one loss was to volcanion. The others were mewtwo, rayquaza, dark-tina, mewtwo, mega gardevoir.
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    Standard M Scizor EX - Crushing the way to the top

    I've been thinking in implementing Olympia for a while, will try that while also adding coballion. Team flare grunt also slows down my deck but i do not use it quite often due to either the sucess of the hammers or just because the game requires more of a lysandre or N. Thank You so much.
  16. C

    Standard M Scizor EX - Crushing the way to the top

    Hello Everyone, So this is my current deck and I am trying to make it the most competitive possible while looking at the current meta. Matchups up to this point have demonstrated that its only autoloss is volcanion ex because of weakness, and it has a hard time against giratina if it has a...
  17. C

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    What is your PTCGO screen name? -->chacks13 What timezone do you live in? If you do not know your time zone, check out the World Clock. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).” -->Pacific (GMT/UTC-8) Did you participate in last month’s tournament? If so, were you dropped...
  18. C

    Standard (PRC-ON) Xerneas BREAK/Tina

    Hello PokeBeach, After several deck testing in PTCGO, this deck has gotten a very good win/lose ratio. Only losing to turn one item lock like Vileplume, Seismitoad and Trevenant, which all go after rotation except vileplume. Some of the thoughest matches are Mega Gardevoir/Xerneas, Mega...
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    Standard (PRC-STS) Xerneas / Giratina

    I would be very interested in seeing your Xerneas BREAK variant. Any chance you would share your thoughts with a noob player?