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  1. Nemesis1125

    Standard Alakazam-EX/Espeon-GX

    No I did not know that I wasn't able to use them both. What is the reason behind it because I have never heard that. Thank you for taking a look at the deck and offering some advice.
  2. Nemesis1125

    PokeBeach's February 2017 TCG Cup, Sponsored by!

    Can I make a suggestion... if you have enough moderators you could split things up between premium members and non premium members. Run 2 tournaments with different prize supports. Also can start 1 tournament at the beginning of the month then start the 2nd tournament half way thru the month...
  3. Nemesis1125

    Standard Alakazam-EX/Espeon-GX

    Here is my deck that I just rebuilt. Pokemon: 16 4 Alakazam-EX (FC) 3 M Alakazam-EX (FC) 3 Eevee (SM) 2 Espeon-GX (SM) 3 Shaymin-EX (RS) 1 Hoopa-EX (AO) Trainers: 32 4 Alakazam Spirit Link (FC) 4 Devolution Spray (FC) 4 Max Elixir (BP) 3 VS Seeker (RS) 3 Trainers Mail (RS) 3 Lillie (SM) 3...
  4. Nemesis1125

    Discussion Thoughts on making an Espeon GX/Mega Alakazam deck?

    So I re made my alakazam deck with espeon-gx and I now run 3 shaymins and 3 lillies and I ran thru the deck like crazy... I really like how it runs more testing is needed will put a deck list up in the deck garage later on tonight.
  5. Nemesis1125

    Discussion Shaymin-EX vs Lillie

    Yes shaymin has been part of the game it seems like forever now. Lillie is great because of that reason she can't be benched sniped and it doesn't take up room on the bench. I am partial to both so I decided to run both in my deck for now.
  6. Nemesis1125

    Discussion Thoughts on making an Espeon GX/Mega Alakazam deck?

    I have 2 espeon gxs and I think I'm gonna run a 2-3 line , tech in another shaymin-ex and 3 lillies and see how fast that runs.
  7. Nemesis1125

    Discussion Shaymin-EX vs Lillie

    Question for everyone... With sun and moon releasing today and becoming tournament legal on the 17th... What would you rather have in your deck... Lillie or Shaymin-EX or would you do a mixture of both? Also wouldn't the question also bring in that you run thru your deck too fast and...
  8. Nemesis1125

    Discussion Thoughts on making an Espeon GX/Mega Alakazam deck?

    I have alakazam ex/ trevenant break and I am hoping to tech in atleast 1 espeon gx. Now thinking of taking out the trevenant breaks for espeon gx although I really don't see the point of having more than 1 espeon when the GX move can only be used once per game.
  9. Nemesis1125

    General Favorite Pokemon?

    Ever since pokemon started my favorite has been Alakazam. A powerful psychic who's IQ is above 5000 exceeds that of a super computer. But I have 2 other favorite pokemon. They go: 1. Alakazam 2. Nidoking 3. Dusclops
  10. Nemesis1125

    PokeBeach's February 2017 TCG Cup, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? no will be by the end of the month What is your PTCGO screen name? Nemesis1125 What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clock such as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) eastern...
  11. Nemesis1125

    Ruling Alakazam ex vs jolteon ex

    Does alakazam ex attack suppression by-pass jolteon ex attack flash Ray?