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  1. TheWicky

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Counter Energy – Special Energy This card provides 1 [C] Energy. When this card is attached to 1 of your Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-GX and Pokemon-EX) and you have more Prize cards remaining than your opponent, this card provides 2 Energy of every type. Also, cards that exist to help you...
  2. TheWicky

    News Ravaged Plains from SM4 Revealed!

    Dude(s), Gladion is great. If you searched your deck and already figured out what was in your prizes, you can get anything important out of there for faster use. And he doesn't even discard. He turns your prizes into a second hand at the cost of using up your Supporter for the turn, which...
  3. TheWicky

    News Ravaged Plains from SM4 Revealed!

    Yeah, but it's no Circle Circuit.
  4. TheWicky

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    I smell a funsies deck featuring the regis. Wouldn't be particularly good, but fun to play for sheer lul factor.
  5. TheWicky

    News New 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon' Trailer, Artwork!

    I wouldn't expect anything more than maybe a puzzle room akin to the Distortion World in Platinum. I was kind of expecting that as soon as Ultra Space was mentioned in the first games, but it didn't feel very thought out by the time we got to it. It was more "Oh, here's a hallway in between...
  6. TheWicky

    News New 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon' Trailer, Artwork!

    I just recently watched the Gameinformer podcast and GameFreak interviews where it's explained that the whole island-trial-challenge-thing was thought up pretty late into production. Quite frankly, it shows with how slapped-together a lot of the trials were and how inconsequential some of the...
  7. TheWicky

    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    I'm having a dumb-guy moment, was a Beast Ball card revealed or are you guys theorymonning? Also I wanna obfuscate on Nihilego. I like how he plays with Prize card manipulation, which hasn't been around in a while. It'll be interesting to see how people get him out of harm's way before the...
  8. TheWicky

    News Japan's SM3+ Set: 'Shining Legends!'

    I'm confused, are people upset with the regular FA (75/72) or the SR FA(82/72)? Because they both look fine.
  9. TheWicky

    News 'Pokémon Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon' Coming in November for the 3DS!

    Bad fan theory; Since Solgaleo and Lunaala get to armor digivolve with Necrozma's body parts, maybe the other ultra beasts will be revealed to have Necrozma-armored forms as well. Or maybe the starters get a nifty new form. Looks like we're getting at least one new crystal for the Z-ring, so...
  10. TheWicky

    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    I imagine Bulu would pair fairly well with energy ramp vikavolt
  11. TheWicky

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    Look at Magikarp's pokedex entry. Then examine Base Set Magikarp. Then examine the reprinted descendent of Base Set Magikarp. Allow yourself to take in just how real the struggle is. Sweet Jesus on a crutch, milking it for all its worth !!!!!
  12. TheWicky

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    Starmie B is killing me. I remember there was some popularity in Delphox B and Zoroark B (And Yanmega is still being discussed), but there's no hope for the thing. I wonder if they're going to translate the attack name to "Star Break" in english...
  13. TheWicky

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    Ehhhhhh, Lightning weak Dragonite. Less fun than I had hoped. Glad he's got utility.
  14. TheWicky

    How to Represent the Flying Type in the TCG

    So Signofzeta explained the issues with this pretty well. You're going into territory that upsets the balance that the game was originally built on, which was akin to using Artifact Creatures in MTG. They anticipated seeing multicolored decks early on, and used Colorless as a way to create...
  15. TheWicky

    How to Represent the Flying Type in the TCG

    Typing is a mechanic in several senses. In the TCG, it's just been heavily simplified. If you really wanted to expand representation of a given type, I wouldn't discredit having specific attacks that hit for extra damage against certain types of Pokemon. That's essentially how types work...
  16. TheWicky

    How to Represent the Flying Type in the TCG

    They could add effects similar to what Zebstrika does. Something like an attack that says "If your opponent's active Pokemon is a Grass type, this attack does 50 more damage" It's representation without totally offsetting what little balance there is.
  17. TheWicky

    News Solgaleo GX and Lunala GX: Pokemon GX Mechanic Revealed at Worlds!

    So I get the they're trying to maybe turn GX's into the Pokemon version of an Ace Spec or something, but that "one GX attack per game" clause isn't gonna stop anyone from cramming their deck with them. I can already see an inane amount of synergy between these two cards. Use Solgaleo's GX...
  18. TheWicky

    News Solgaleo GX and Lunala GX: Pokemon GX Mechanic Revealed at Worlds!

    I'm just glad that they're still effectively EXs. Depending on their final HP, energy costs (especially for their GX attacks) and the remaining important info, they could probably be very balanced.
  19. TheWicky

    News Solgaleo GX and Lunala GX: Pokemon GX Mechanic Revealed at Worlds!

    First they nab the concept of Mega Evolution, then they take the title of the worst Yugioh season for their own card game. This is so perfect. I'm dying.
  20. TheWicky

    Ruling Wonder Energy VS Some Other Cards

    What about stuff like LugiaEX's Aero Ball? Does Wonder energy protect from damage that relies on an effect like a multiplier?