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  1. FierySplash

    Discussion So how viable will Greninja be next format?

    Four Words, Gale Wings, Aero Blitz.
  2. FierySplash

    Starting Out - What to Buy?

    What format are you looking to play? Expanded or Standard?
  3. FierySplash

    Standard Mew/Jolteon EX/Glaceon EX/Regice 2017

    If you decide to take out Mew (just in case you do), add in a few Silent Lab, to slow down decks which use basic abilities, even decks which have 1 or 2 Shaymins.
  4. FierySplash

    Standard Mew/Jolteon EX/Glaceon EX/Regice 2017

    Consistent as in is there when you need drawing power while Shaymin will only offer drawing support when it is played from your hand to bench.
  5. FierySplash

    Standard Mew/Jolteon EX/Glaceon EX/Regice 2017

    Like that you are using Octillery to get consistency instead of a temporary boost Shaymin, doing the same in my deck. Anyways, on to the deck, in my opinion it would be good to add in a Hoopa EX to get your bench loaded very quickly with Glaceon and Jolteon.
  6. FierySplash

    Talonflame/Typhlosion budget build

    Alright, remember to add in Fisherman then.
  7. FierySplash

    Standard Frogs, Balloons and a Bird

    What I do against Shaymin users/lovers is take four prize cards in two turns. :P
  8. FierySplash

    Talonflame/Typhlosion budget build

    As you can see Talonflame is not something you just leave out after the setup PMJ, it can carry games. :D
  9. FierySplash

    Standard Flareon-EX Deck!

    Sticking to the current deck as I already have the ingredients, Flarecanion seems more competitive too. :D
  10. FierySplash

    Standard Frogs, Balloons and a Bird

    Woo! More support for Octillery! Mind going ever my deck list?
  11. FierySplash

    Standard Flareon-EX Deck!

    Alright. I just don't like that I could lose a game over two Shaymins being on my bench....
  12. FierySplash

    Standard Flareon-EX Deck!

    Yeah, I just added that in as I already had that card. I know you were originally suggesting Shaymin for this deck, but I hope you see that with my new deck Octillery fits in better. :D
  13. FierySplash

    Standard Flareon-EX Deck!

    I wouldn't want to place my FFB and use Steam Up on a Pokemon which can only do 100 at max and has to move an energy off of itself just to attack.
  14. FierySplash

    Standard Flareon-EX Deck!

    Alright, then two Octillery it is.
  15. FierySplash

    Standard Flareon-EX Deck!

    What is better with Baby Volcanion is that he can take care of himself, - has strong attacks, good hp for non-EX while Camerupt has a 3 energy 60DMG attack, so if I end up with Camerupt it will become harder to damage the opponent.
  16. FierySplash

    Talonflame/Typhlosion budget build

    Well that works if you want something other than a pure Talonflame, the only thing is running all those Cyndaquil will reduce the chances of you getting a starting hand of Talonflame.
  17. FierySplash

    Standard Flareon-EX Deck!

    I have almost purchased all of the Pokémon I need for this deck, for example - x2 Volcanion EX, x3 Flareon EX, x1 Hoopa EX, what's left is buying x2 Remoraid and x1 Octillery, possibly 2 Octillery.
  18. FierySplash

    Standard Flareon-EX Deck!

    Ya, will most likely be running 2 Rangers.
  19. FierySplash

    Standard Flareon-EX Deck!

    It will allow me to loop energy, here is how. Steam Up - Discard Energy + 30 Damage Burning Draft - Get Energy on to Camerupt Flash Fire - Get energy onto Flareon EX Which means massive damage to the opponent's pokemon. :D
  20. FierySplash

    Greninja BREAK

    It's a really good card! I suggest you go watch DarkIntegralGaming's Talonflame video to get an idea on how to play the deck.