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  1. FierySplash

    Deck Decision - M Sceptile-EX or Fairies?

    Solid builds indeed but I was looking for something without the Shaymin as I'm not putting that much money into Pokemon just yet. Also, I was thinking about a fighting deck which has Zygarde and Carbink Break both being cards which will have high potential this coming rotation?
  2. FierySplash

    Deck Decision - M Sceptile-EX or Fairies?

    You made some good points there, any chance that you could give me and example of the Garbodor/Giratina being incorporated in the form of a deck list? The only thing about Regice is his 3 energy retreat cost, which can be cut to 0 but only with the addition of Manaphy, which is like Shaymin just...
  3. FierySplash

    Deck Decision - M Sceptile-EX or Fairies?

    Thanks for the solid points, I threw in a Regice just in case I'm playing an EX heavy deck or fire deck. Regarding the fairy deck it has a higher damage potential than the Sceptile one but as you said it loses to Mega Mewtwo pretty easily. Any other decks that I should look into building, I have...
  4. FierySplash

    Deck Decision - M Sceptile-EX or Fairies?

    Building a Palkia deck currently.
  5. FierySplash

    Discussion MGardevoir/Xerneas/?

    Thanks for the advice although most of the cards you listed will only be usable till September. I was planning a Sceptile/Ariados/Regice deck, how is that one compared to my new fairy one that is in progress? One thing I have personally noticed is that the damage potential is certainly higher...
  6. FierySplash

    Discussion MGardevoir/Xerneas/?

    Thanks for the fairy good advice, time to get these Fairies up and running! 3 Gardevoir EX - STS 2 MGardevoir - PCL But doesn't the constant discard become annoying? Or does the extra damage and extra attack become the main reason why an STS Gardi EX beats a PCL Gardi EX.
  7. FierySplash

    Discussion MGardevoir/Xerneas/?

    The deck is for 2017 standard and I was wondering if I should go with the Steam Siege or Primal Clash M Gardi & Gardi. Thinking about using the Primal clash ones currently as I have been doing well with them on TCG One.
  8. FierySplash

    Discussion MGardevoir/Xerneas/?

    I'm making a Gardevoir deck and was wondering if I should use Aromatisse 3-2 lineup with the 6DC confusion or a 2-2-2-2 Florges Break lineup?
  9. FierySplash

    Discussion Sceptile + What = Success?

    Mega Scizor and Zoroark Break not Zoroark and Ariados.
  10. FierySplash

    Discussion Sceptile + What = Success?

    I also learned by testing over at TCG ONE that a Zoroak Break and M Scizor deck works great too. How about that one?
  11. FierySplash

    Discussion Sceptile + What = Success?

    I tested my deck out and it turns out I really don't need the Manaphy EX....
  12. FierySplash

    Discussion Sceptile + What = Success?

    I will probably go with the cards that I wrote about before they seem to be powerful for this coming rotation. As far as the Manaphy Ex goes I'd like to stay away from it because my Regice is an "opportunistic" card not something I wanna be basing my deck off of. I'm already running a supporter...
  13. FierySplash

    Discussion PCR-On Yveltal (the options)

    Try running a Zoroak break along with any one of those Yveltal decks. Zoroak's foul play attack is quite powerful as it only needs a single energy and can go for 2HKOs and possibly OHKOs.
  14. FierySplash

    Discussion Sceptile + What = Success?

    Op1) I buy my main Pokemon that I need for this deck - M Sceptile2 Sceptile EX3 Hoopa EX1 Ariados2 Spinirak2- From Troll and Toad and Teddy N Me. Op2) I buy my main Pokemon that I need for this deck and the alternative attacker - Regice2 FCO Op3) I buy my main Pokemon that I need for this deck...
  15. FierySplash

    Discussion Sceptile + What = Success?

    Ariados is what sets Sceptile up for those OHKOs, which is why I'm choosing to run it in this deck. It's been discussed before but that poison damage is needed in this deck.
  16. FierySplash

    Discussion Sceptile + What = Success?

    It's just that I have to pay $2.99 for the cards to be shipped nothing big really. About the deck, I will go for the 2 Regice to deal with the odd fire type deck and put some pressure on EX heavy decks too. I'll pick up my Sceptile EX from Teddy N Me which is close to me and the only card...
  17. FierySplash

    Discussion Sceptile + What = Success?

    Mhm.... I agree with using Regice over Mew, and the fury belt will really give Regice some serious potential, how many Regice should I pick up? By the way, I'm picking up these cards from Troll and Toad and I live in Canada so the price becomes kinda hefty if I want to add more cards.
  18. FierySplash

    Discussion Sceptile + What = Success?

    Well, the purpose of the secondary attackers is more for a "just in case" scenario, it should be capable of getting K/O's. Also because of Black Smith being out-rotated, I won't be seeing many fire type decks.
  19. FierySplash

    Discussion Sceptile + What = Success?

    There aren't any usable Non EX Lugias, which I need in order to use its Break evolution. Deck Changes: - 1 Spinarak and 1 Ariados (Might Keep 3-3 lineup) + Secondary Damage Dealer? 1 FCO Mew? Or I could stick with the current deck and throw in 3 psychic energies just in case the Hoopa needs...
  20. FierySplash

    Discussion Sceptile + What = Success?

    Alright I've reached this. 2 Mega Sceptile EX 3 Sceptile EX 3 Ariados 3 Spinarak 1 Hoopa EX (Running another one might be viable, as I am only using two types of energy). Only thing is if I wanna run more than one Hoopa, I would have to use psychic energy.... Currently thinking of one...