Search results

  1. N

    H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

    RE: Just updated with new arrivals. H: 10th movie set, gym challenge promos What? I'm confused; Pokemon Silver is for the game boy color.
  2. N

    SoulWind's Trades: [H] Super Rares and WoTC! [W] JPN FAs and EX Battle Boost!

    RE: Building a LostGar What specifically do you need for your lostgar deck? Slowking? Slowpoke? Mr. Mime? Mime Jr.? Gastly/haunter? I have an ability Emboar too. I also have these two NM++++: 1x Charizard - Base 1x Gyarados - Base and an extra played charizard I have a ton of cards from...
  3. N

    H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

    RE: Just updated with new arrivals. H: 10th movie set, gym challenge promos what do you mean by x1 Game Boy Advance SP pokemon Silver game?
  4. N

    H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

    RE: Just updated with new arrivals. H: 10th movie set, gym challenge promos Do you want the whole set, or would you trade for just a few cards out of it?
  5. N

    WTB: Sleeves, HOLO Energy

    Yeah, I just put them in there since they're still "special" I hesitate a bit to do that since I have the HP and CL energy in there...
  6. N

    H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

    RE: Just updated with new arrivals. H: 10th movie set, gym challenge promos Rare candy, pokemon comm., energy retrieval, FSL NM pikachu is pending sale
  7. N

    WTB: Sleeves, HOLO Energy

    It looks like I have 52 there....what do you value each at? $1?
  8. N


    Good buyer; paid fast +1
  9. N

    WTB: Sleeves, HOLO Energy

    I have all of those; they're my pictures
  10. N

    H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

    RE: Just updated with new arrivals. H: 10th movie set, gym challenge promos No. Each card.
  11. N

    H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

    RE: Just updated with new arrivals. H: 10th movie set, gym challenge promos Most of the cards at like $15-20 each.
  12. N

    H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

    RE: Just updated with new arrivals. H: 10th movie set, gym challenge promos What do you value the victory medal? Would you do donphan instead of Pachi?
  13. N

    H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

    RE: Just updated with new arrivals. H: 10th movie set, gym challenge promos There's a tiny crease on the left
  14. N

    H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

    RE: Just updated with new arrivals. H: 10th movie set, gym challenge promos Do you have any of my wants?
  15. N

    Saviour Topic - Have: Mew EX + Raikou EX

    RE: Saviour Topic - BRING ME YOUR FULL ART ZEKROM! My: FA Zekrom 2x Magnezone Prime Your Folklore Lucario EX (JPN) - Infernape Lv. X (DP) - Electivire Lv. X (MT) (NM) - Porygon Z Lv X - Honchkrow Lv. X secret rares: - Electabuzz - Hitmonchan - Scyther - Charmander (ENG) - Charmeleon (ENG) -...
  16. N

    Finished Count to 50 Before Staff Posts

    Six. This game would be easier if we didn't have half the active users as mods
  17. N

    WTB: Sleeves, HOLO Energy

    I have these holo energies:
  18. N

    ~~ NarcoticHobo

    RE: NarcoticHobo Good trader +1
  19. N

    Coca Cola

    RE: MrWeasley1987 Good trader +1
  20. N

    H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

    RE: Just updated with new arrivals. H: 10th movie set, gym challenge promos Here are some pictures of the non mint pikachu It's pretty light and difficult to see unless you til it the right way