There's every chance these are fake, but the rumour mill on Gen VIII starters is now in production. If they are indeed fake, props to the artist because the water starter is just the cutest thing and I would pick him in a heartbeat.
Don't get your hopes up for Delphox-GX, don't do it. Odds are slim. Odds are good for the first Psychic type Delphox though which is exciting. The reused artwork is unfortunate but there are so so many secondary types that are either neglected or non-existent (or they just make up types like...
I don't want too much of a departure from the formula for a main series game. I still want the paired version thing (leading to a Diamond remake) but either each game has to be huge to warrant the price difference between 3DS and Switch games or if both versions are loaded onto one...
Batman v Superman (Ultimate Edition specifically) has a perfectly structured plot, intricately detailed and harmonious that requires you to pay attention and think about it or else you miss noticing all the pieces coming together. It's visually stunning, it has a powerful and gripping...
I'm more optimistic for this film. No weird re-imaginings of Pokemon design (seriously someone shoot the people who made Star Trek Discovery) and it's incorporating all the generations too and not trying to appeal to genwunners. Ryan Reynolds is well, Ryan Reynolds so we're good there and Ken...