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  1. Laurier_Ex

    Discussion What to pair with Electrode - GX

    Electrode-Gx definitely spells Counter Energy and Counter Energy rimes with N. And when you are behind on prizes, 2 attacks are very interesting: Glutton-Gx or Timeless-Gx. As people mentionned in order to make those work you would need either Mew FCO or Ninja Boy or even better, both. One...
  2. Laurier_Ex

    SM7a 'Fairy Rise' Announced!

    Cannot wait to add this sceptile to my expanded Ninja Box deck. With all the rainbow and prism energy i will be immuned to Ultra Beasts. Muhaha
  3. Laurier_Ex

    Discussion What's the BDIF and How to Beat It.

    No one mentionned Passimian/Mew FCO decks. It has what it takes to be a good anti meta rogue deck. It hits for weakness on both Psychic or Fighting types so it can beat Buzzwole-Gx and Zoroark-Gx kinda easily. It can also beat Garbodor and its friends, Drampa-Gx and Espeon-Gx easily (unless the...
  4. Laurier_Ex

    Standard Photon Recharge (Ultra Necrozma GX/Malamar)

    This deck will be everywhere in Standard. Ive been told it is a close 50-50 against Buzzhole and i guess that it can also keep up with Zoroark-Gx. Somewhat consistent given the Mysterious Treasure card. This deck will probably be tier 1 for a while alongside the usual Buzzwole-Gx, Zoroark-Gx...
  5. Laurier_Ex

    Help Leafeon GX Deck Idea

    If you are playing expanded, you can have a look at this deck list i have made. ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** ##Pokémon - 19 * 3 Eevee SUM 101 * 1 Oranguru SUM 113 * 2 Shaymin-EX ROS 77 * 1 Type: Null UPR 115 * 1 Type: Null CIN 89 * 2 Silvally-GX CIN 108 * 1 Flareon AOR...
  6. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Fighting Ninja Toolbox (Anti-Meta)

    Tried to make the previous deck work consistently but i felt like it was not exactly what i needed to deal with the Zoroark-Gx meta. Sylvally-Gx works great in a lot of situations but since we often have to deal with Lucario-Gx or Buzzhole-Gx, he his sometimes more of a burden than he can help...
  7. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Fighting Ninja Toolbox (Anti-Meta)

    My main concern with Marshadow-Gx is that you need Pokemon in your discard pile but Ninja Boy wants them in your deck. This makes for hard decisions. Marshadow-Gx works with an ability so it is more easily countered than Jolteon-Ex or Glaceon-Ex as a whole. Downside of using directly Jolteon-Ex...
  8. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Fighting Ninja Toolbox (Anti-Meta)

    I have been making house plans, iron working and preparing myself for work these past few days. As you might have guessed, there are numbers floating all around my head (making a lot of plans) and i can't stop thinking and trying to analyse everything. Brings me to the subject of this post...
  9. Laurier_Ex

    Discussion Do Mega Pokémon have any place in Expanded with Leafeon GX?

    I ran Magearna SM4 in my M-Gardevoir deck and it helps a lot with Spirit Link management. You just dump them around and rearrange them later if you need. It seems like a better option than using Leafeon-Gx i think. At least for most decks since Leafeon-Gx means you have Grass Energy.
  10. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Silvally-Gx/Winona Turbo Deck (With Tool Control)

    Late game N is one reason to play Oranguru. When you use Winona, pulling 2 Shaymin is not always the best option.
  11. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Silvally-Gx/Winona Turbo Deck (With Tool Control)

    Thank you for the feedback. I actually have Psychic Memory, you probably just missed it. Psychic and Fighting Memories are definitely better and one can choose which one to include depending. My list might actually have a bit too many tools. Managing tools is probably the hardest part of the...
  12. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Silvally-Gx/Winona Turbo Deck (With Tool Control)

    Hi everyone, This week i am bringing you guys my Silvally-Gx Turbo deck. The setup is just OP. Winona is a better version of Brigette for expanded so the setup is very very consistent and can snowball very well. You often end up your first turn with 30-35 cards left in your deck. - Winona...
  13. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Heracross BUS (Hilarious Trolling Deck)

    I have been trying numerous Counter Box ideas but this one must be on the top of my list. It is a very nice rogue deck that surprisingly does better than what it looks like. It relies on coin flips, Counter Energy and comeback mechanics but this little packing is sure to bring some tears...
  14. Laurier_Ex

    Discussion The State of Fire Decks

    I feel like Fire decks will most probably maintain their place as a strong Tier 2 deck. Next set will release some good stuff for Fire decks that will help them keep the pace. I still do not think it can become Tier 1 because it is still not as consistent as a Zoroark-Gx engine. Consistency is...
  15. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded "Counter Box" Taking 2-3 or 4 Prizes On The Second Turn

    Loosing Dark Patch in Standard hurts energy acceleration a lot. You would need to accelerate with something else (Max Elixir?). Fighting decks are running the show until at least when Forbidden light releases so building a Counter Box deck for Standard might not be appropriate atm. When...
  16. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded "Counter Box" Taking 2-3 or 4 Prizes On The Second Turn

    My goal was to share my testing time with the community on one idea that did not appear to be documented. I really am happy some people do like me just enjoy building decks and share them with the community. Those are not always competitive or may only shine during a certain time but they are...
  17. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded "Counter Box" Taking 2-3 or 4 Prizes On The Second Turn

    Might be the guy who harrassed me on PTCGO will post one video for you. At least that is what he said. He said he was gonna expose me like it was some sort of conspiracy. ;D Now i understand better this documentary about video game addiction on teenagers. Some people got to love these little...
  18. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded "Counter Box" Taking 2-3 or 4 Prizes On The Second Turn

    I got harassed by a guy on PTCGO (I won't write the name down so it stays anonymous). He said that i stole his deck idea about trying to use something similar with Mew FCO/ Counter Energy/Guzzlord-Gx or whatever. When it isn't the Crown wielding an axe who cracks you nuts it is some other...
  19. Laurier_Ex

    PokeBeach's March 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Not enough interest meaning no people would play it or no interest meaning it does not generate as much money? Can you give me some numbers if they exist? I would personally be interested in playing an expanded tournament once in a while.
  20. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded "Counter Box" Taking 2-3 or 4 Prizes On The Second Turn

    Just formatted my computer a few weeks ago. Did not reinstall Game Caster yet but i will see what i can do. When i got everything setup i will post the Youtube link.