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  1. The Spook

    The End of the World as We Know It

    I don't believe the World will end any time soon.I just wanted to tell you guys not to believe so fast on these stupid theories of 2012 or else because they intend that we focus and be afraid of them.There will be a lot of this fake theories in the future but neither of them are true. :D
  2. The Spook

    (6) Note About Site's Future, Pokemon's 15th B-Day, BW Deals, Promos, Redshark [3/1]

    Best Wishes WPM!We all will hold your back and accept every decision you make.You succeded all the difficulties you had with PokeBeach and made it the most important pokemon site (I think).Every new webmaster that has a pokemon site wants to be like you,even me.... Can't wait to see your...
  3. The Spook

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    This is great!Finally what we expected came.I'm so excited.
  4. The Spook

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    Amazing news but I don't like a lot the pokemons.
  5. The Spook

    BW/BW2 A New Area To Visit After You Beat The Pokemon League In Isshu Rumor-(UPD1)-(UPD2)

    RE: A New Area To Visit After You Beat The Pokemon League In The Isshu Region (Rumor) I like this rumour and I hope it's true, and I hope again that the area will be big.
  6. The Spook

    (1) 'Pokemon Doctor - Brock!', New 'Best Wishes' Preview, TR's New Uniforms [9/2]

    I hope that this time Team Rocket are more evil and not stupid.
  7. The Spook

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Wii Commercials Reveal Many New Scenes [8/31]

    I think Iris and the other one are in the white tower (sec 48).
  8. The Spook

    BW/BW2 When you first heard B/W coming out.....

    I found out casually searching for a new pokemon ranger game.And searching for every information I discovered and joined after two weeks.
  9. The Spook

    BW/BW2 Legendary Moves

    RE: Super Moves...Maybe I think they will have special moves based on their abilities..
  10. The Spook

    (1) Minor Battle Subway Info on 'Pokemon Sunday' [8/28]

    I don't like this very much since I didn't liked Battle Frontier and the Battle Subway has almost the same mechansim.
  11. The Spook

    (1) 'Best Wishes' Previews Show Exciting Changes to the Animé [8/26]

    Tsutaja is using Grass Mixer into Pikachu and smashes him in a wall and Ash get's surprised.It was so amazing and powerful !
  12. The Spook

    BW/BW2 Dento's typing revealed?

    I saw them.New photos and videos. (Off topic)Do just as my sig says.
  13. The Spook

    BW/BW2 Dento's typing revealed?

    I think I will catch one. (Off topic)Did you saw the new pics of Best Wishes?
  14. The Spook

    BW/BW2 Dento's typing revealed?

    Now I'm conviced too that he is a grass type gymleader. :D
  15. The Spook

    BW/BW2 Dento's typing revealed?

    Is that confirmed that he his a grass type gymleader?
  16. The Spook

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals Mr. Brocolli: Yanappu! [8/21]

    Yes it's just like Playerking95 says.Yanappu belongs to Dento.
  17. The Spook

    BW/BW2 Dento's typing revealed?

    I don't know what type of gym he has but one of his pokemon is Yanappu.
  18. The Spook

    BW/BW2 Who is the person who is getting crowned?

    I think it's N too.
  19. The Spook

    BW/BW2 Final Evolution of Starters.

    RE: Final Evoultion of starters Mijumaru's evo reminds me Buizel.I am getting very attracted by him.I have to decide now to choose Mijumaru or Pokabu.
  20. The Spook

    BW/BW2 What type should the 3rd mascot be?

    I think it will be dragon/ice.I saw a fake picture that was created only for speculation and it was cool.It was a dragon with three heads(different from each-other) and it was transparent.