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  1. swapforce1

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    *Cough* Mega Venusaur *Cough* that deck has support. With mega turbo and Lurantis GX it is easy to power up. Lapras on the other hand. No. If it wasn't a GX it would be a decent tech for water tool box.
  2. swapforce1

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    First of all this is baby yveltal for grass types though not a gx. Second of all this is all Mega Venusaur needed. Energy Acceleration for grass types while doing damage is great i'm so building my Mega Venusaur.
  3. swapforce1

    News 'Arcanine BREAK Evolution Box' in January!

    1. yes i know they could be in old style 2. I was a trev player not because it was good but because i like trev. and when Night march (aka Evil Satanic Bugs of Doom ) were roaming around there was 1. a way to understand staples for newcomers 2. no karen. I feal like Night march is now kinda...
  4. swapforce1

    News 'Arcanine BREAK Evolution Box' in January!

    I think this means the important cards from cp 6 might get put into evolutions as a raident collection these include : Night marchers , Compressor , Trev , Crobat , Lucario ex , Stratiling Megapone ( Futher supported by Garb being BROKEN ) , AZ , and more. It's a possibility and i can dream.
  5. swapforce1

    Expanded Mega Zard Y

    Mega zard deck 12 pokemon 4x Charizard EX ( Promo no.XY17 ) 4x M Charizard ex ( Flashfire , Evolutions ) 2x Shaymin EX ( Roaring skies ) 2x Sneasl 2x weavile ( Fates collide ) 31 trainers 3x N 2x Professor sycamore 1x Lysandre 1x Ninja Boy 4x Black Smith 3x Scorched earth 4x...
  6. swapforce1

    Standard Flareon-EX Deck!

    personly i prefer octilory because you can use it every turn and shaymin is only once but thats besides the point I think that delphox BREAK would be a great addition also maybe 4 max elixer and 4 energy switch I saw the combo in YellowSwellows videos. I really hope it helps ! EDIT : also WAY...
  7. swapforce1

    Ruling Chinchino ( Next Destnies )

    Ive been wondering. The Cichino in next destinies has an attack that says " During your next turn this attack does 50 more damage " doese this stack? does it do 50 and then 100 then 150, 200 ETC. Im not shure.
  8. swapforce1

    Standard Yanmega BREAK

    I dont really have alot of money EVER so i havent built the deck. just the deck list. do you think i should have a giovanni for extra damage ?
  9. swapforce1

    Standard Yanmega BREAK

  10. swapforce1

    Standard Yanmega BREAK

    With My TREV in expaned ( FOR NOW ) I made this deck list ! UPDATE 1 14 Pokemon 4x Yanma 4x Yanmega 4x Yanmega BREAK 2x Shaymin trainer 4x Trainers Mail 4x Ultra Ball 4x VS Seeker 4x Judge 2x Lysadre 2x N 4x VS Seeker 4x Forest of Giant Plants 2x Skyla 4x Bursting Balooon 2x E Hammer 2x...
  11. swapforce1

    Expanded Delphox BREAK

    Delphox BREAK Pokemon 14 4x Fenniken ( Fates Collide ) 2x Braixen ( Fates Collide ) 2x Delphox ( Fates Collide ) 2x Delphox ( XY ) 2x Delphox Break ( Fates Collide ) 1x Dodou ( Breakthrough ) 1x Dodrio ( Breakthrough ) 30 Trainer 3x...
  12. swapforce1

    Expanded Greninja BREAK

    18 Pokemon 2 Froakie ( BREAKpoint) 4 Frogadiar ( BREAKpoint) 4 Greninja ( Breakpoint_) 4 Greninja Break ( BREAKpoint ) 2 Shaymin EX ( Roaring Skies ) 2 Wallord EX ( Primal Clash ) 27 Trainer 2 Ultra Ball 3 Dive Ball 2 Evo-Soda 2 Archie's Ace in the Hole 3 Rare candy 4 Wally 2...
  13. swapforce1

    CP5 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection' Booster Pack Image!

    I feal like recently Pokemon scouted me. Shaymin ( Land ) And Jiraci are my favorite pokemon and all of a sudden all of theese new cards of theese cute cretures are apearing!
  14. swapforce1

    2017 Format Rotation Announced!

    TGNMIOF. Thank God Night March is Out of Format. In my review I satted that Joltik was satin in disguise! Also I really hope that Trev will be reprinted. The amount of Money that it takes to build a good deck is insane. 2xShay for 60$ each 120 $ for 2/60 cards! I still have expanded but still....
  15. swapforce1

    'Generations' Elite Trainer Box Now Available from!

    Im guessing about 70$ in CAN. Unfortuatly sence it has a Shaymin ( Land ) I am forced to first of all save that Money and second buy it.
  16. swapforce1

    Suggest a Pokemon who deserves an EX or better reprint

    Whats funny is that I was recently thinking about pokemon who deserve an EX in the TCG. The only one I could find an atack for was. Durant EX Grass 160 hp Abilty Once per turn ( before your attack ) you may discard as many cards from your hand as you like. Then discard the same number of...
  17. swapforce1

    News Mythical Pokemon Collections

    With Shaymin ( land ) being my Favorite Pokemon of all time and FINALLY a Pokebeach artical starring the adorable lil hedgehog I feal contractually oblagated to write a extremly heartfelt review of everything Shaymin land. So here it is. The Movie : Shaymin is a sort of sassy but really cute...
  18. swapforce1

    What is the Your Most Common Choice of Starter Types?

    Gen 1 : Bulbasuar ( diddnt know you coul choose your pokemon , gimme a break i was 4 ) gen 2 Cindaquill ( The face was too cute ) gen 3 : Treeko ( Didnt like the other starter as much ) gen 4 : Turtwig ( I like turtles ) gen 5 : Oshawott ( I origanly picked Snivy but I lost so much...
  19. swapforce1

    'Sun' and 'Moon' Livestream and Coverage from E3!

    "Pikipek will attack distant opponents by zipping seeds at them" Grass type confirmed. I think that Yungoose is creepy. New Creepy pasta maybe. The new Phases for the Legend Pokemon is an intersting idea. Primal Lunala and Primal Sologleo Confirmed. I mean they cant just Primal Groudon and...