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  1. Toni Kensa

    Help Meta for SPE Campinas (Brazil)

    Can’t say for sure, but lately at least in some stores here in São Paulo I’m seeing those Gardevoir-Swampert-Ninetales decks more frequently. Can’t say for sure if are those just for tests or their main deck. I still don’t participate tournaments here but do some leagues almost every weekend...
  2. Toni Kensa

    Discussion Lost March decks, too late to start?

    I’ll follow this advice, now I’m focusing on gathering enough cards to create a lost march in our TCG online account, the trades rarely ask for something fair so I’m openinjg Lost Thunder’s booster to replicate mine there. This variant with Marshadow seems cool, but wouldn’t professor elm also...
  3. Toni Kensa

    Discussion Lost March decks, too late to start?

    Wouldn't Machoke's ability prevent this kind of absurd move? I know the new Blastoise ability can bring many energies if you're lucky (or use something to order your top cards) and attach them to your Wailord, would this make this monster more deadly? Thanks!
  4. Toni Kensa

    Discussion Lost March decks, too late to start?

    Lately I've been changing decks whenever I lost for some reason, and the more I tried to acelerate those things, I realize I didn't give proper time to assimilate the deck. For example: when I one match for not having enough energies, i went and put some Lady on my deck, then the following match...
  5. Toni Kensa

    Discussion Lost March decks, too late to start?

    Thanks for the reply JumpluffTCG, this does make sense. The times I did lost went more on realizing I did something wrong out of my lack of experience using energy on this deck (I’m a Malamar player so discarding and recycling energy is routine) or using something as not supposed to be...
  6. Toni Kensa

    Discussion Lost March decks, too late to start?

    Hi cardgjammer! It seems strong for being one prize, but even being stage 2 is it still considered a big threat? I mean, would it be necessary to setup Charizard first with something like Fairy Ninetales GX? For Marshadow-GX and leles, could you please explain me more about those 2 with this...
  7. Toni Kensa

    Discussion Oh No, here comes Lusamine... (SUM - Night Unison)

    I know it's a card with so many possibilities, but I'm afraid I'll wait for someone else's "Golden Combo" on Stardard. I can't think of anything else so basic than Guzma and some other trainer to help my hand.
  8. Toni Kensa

    Discussion Lost March decks, too late to start?

    Hi Pokebeach forum, Yesterday I did visit a store to buy some cards, they had rental decks to try and have fun, I did pick Lost March to play against friends. Even thought I didn't won all matches, I had fun with it, it's "how does those little monsters do that" factor is funny to me. Since...
  9. Toni Kensa

    'Detective Pikachu' TCG Products Announced for Spring!

    Mew & Mewtwo Tag Team seems so strong, I'm curious to see what they'll do for those. *scroll scroll* Other Tag Teams also look cool! Haaalp! :D
  10. Toni Kensa

    Standard Altaria-GX (Dragon + Water) Deck

    I see, so that’s why I saw on Ultra Necrozma GX decks, that makes sense! Cool card to work on more than one color deck! I thought Ultra Necrozma gx users would choose for 4 unity energies.
  11. Toni Kensa

    Standard Altaria-GX (Dragon + Water) Deck

    Nice card, I'm constantly seeing it on Japanese deck recipes, specially on Malamar decks. What do they normally do with it on Malamar decks? Discard one energy when you got 2 on hand?
  12. Toni Kensa

    Standard Altaria-GX (Dragon + Water) Deck

    Just to make it clearer for me, when you say 2-2 Fairy Alolan Ninetales-GX line, what is it? 2 Vulpix and 2 Ninetales?
  13. Toni Kensa

    Standard Altaria-GX (Dragon + Water) Deck

    Very cool and disruptive deck to test, the only thing that prevents me from using it is the lack of Rainbow Energy at mine collection. While locking down GX or Items, you're trying to 'peel' the opponent's resources right? I'm definitely interesting on trying this, is this a deck you normally...
  14. Toni Kensa

    Standard Altaria-GX (Dragon + Water) Deck

    Yesterday we did put Alola Ninetales Fairy GX, Zoroark GX and Lance Prism to try those ideas all you sent me. Altaria deck’s my wife’s deck, mine’s a standard Malamar Necrozma GX one, with all those news this deck started to get speed and turn into a threat to Malamar Necrozma deck, Zoroark fits...
  15. Toni Kensa

    Standard Altaria-GX (Dragon + Water) Deck

    This seems like an interesting way to lock your opponent down, first Noivern to avoid setup through items and later Altaria to lock GX attacks. How did you do against those "famous decks" like Malamar/Necrozma, Lost Zone and Zoroark-GX? Is Devoured Land/Waste Land stadium good for this deck...
  16. Toni Kensa

    Standard Altaria-GX (Dragon + Water) Deck

    Seems interesting but how do you manage energies for this deck? Rainbow energies to fit both dragons? Was this mainly a Dark deck with Altaria GX? Thanks! :D
  17. Toni Kensa

    Standard Altaria-GX (Dragon + Water) Deck

    Hi Pokebeach trainers, We're having some trouble to make a viable Altaria-GX deck on Standards, I would like to have your help on reviewing this deck. We're looking for suggestions on how to improve it, and to know if Altaria-GX's viable to play on competitive Standard meta. Monsters ( . 2...
  18. Toni Kensa

    Discussion Zoroark-Gx or not Zoroark-Gx

    So, on standard, is Zoroark-GX still a threat? I'm seeing many Zoroark-GX decks on internet winning points, but personally I just saw one person play it in a league which let proxies be used. Looks like it does require a lot of skill to use, people here said me Zoroark-GX's decks always rely on...
  19. Toni Kensa

    Help Necrozma-GX vs Shuckle-GX

    So the opponent tricked me saying IC judge would permit this, ridiculous. Thanks Snoopy369, now it’s clearer to me and taught how to prevent me from those teicky situations.
  20. Toni Kensa

    Help Necrozma-GX vs Shuckle-GX

    Good to know, while defending Shuckle’s ability the opponent said a Blacephalon tried to attack and ban energy from itself, on that moment Shuckle’s ability blocked all damage. The opponent said it happened on a IC and it was the judge’s decision to block blacephalon’s damage, I hope the...