What a gorgeous card- will definitely be on the lookout for it. Also, I wonder if the the V and Vmax CHR rare cards will be in the reverse holo slot, or the rare slot...
Yes!- This could be very likely as they have only released one Vmax CR card. Also people would totally want the Umbreon Vmax from evolving skies. To be honest, they might also do the urshifu's with Mustard... IDK
I haven't been able to buy a Pokémon in a while, some of the fact due to money, but mostly lack of product in stock. I really wish Pokémon would mass produce celebrations or a newer set like they mass produced evolutions... :(
I really like the character cards- the art makes me so happy! I am hoping maybe for some more... These are nice, but maybe make one with may with torchic/combusken/blaziken, or even bonnie with dedenne
I got some Alcremie sleeves for my birthday from PTCG and They are very nice. I have to be careful with them not to damage them, but they shuffle pretty well from the side... I would not totally recommend for competitive play though. The cards slide around when they are in a deck.
So does that mean that the 4-card packs will just have 4 "ultra-rares/rares" I was really hoping for a reprint of some of the older commons/uncommons... Oh well