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  1. InfinityFyre

    PokeBeach’s October 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No What is your PTCGO screen name (the name you battle with, not the name you log in with)? InfinityFyre What time zone do you live in? (If you don’t know what time zone you live in, use a World Clock to find out.) Central Standard Did you play in last month’s...
  2. InfinityFyre

    Discussion Accelgor/Wobbuffet Expanded

    Hey people! I wanted to know what the communities’ perspective is on an old expanded favorite, Accelgor Wobbuffet. I know it was declared officially dead when Burning Shadows introduced Guzma, allowing players to run a way to consistently escape paralysis. However, most decks are only running a...
  3. InfinityFyre

    Event Seismitoad Giratina for Dallas Regionals

    That's not true actually. most attacks deal damage, which are considered damage counters after the attack is executed. Silent Fear places damage counters, so its its not affected by weakness and resistance.
  4. InfinityFyre

    Event Seismitoad Giratina for Dallas Regionals

    If yourusing treeslam repeatedly against any deck, your in trouble. Besides, it can’t even one-shot something like Buzzwole, or any relevant EX or GX for that matter.
  5. InfinityFyre

    Event Seismitoad Giratina for Dallas Regionals

    What does Trev have to do with the fighting counters to Zoroak? Trev’s attack places damage counters, so it can’t hit for weakness on things like. Buzzword GX if that’s what your talking about.
  6. InfinityFyre

    Event Seismitoad Giratina for Dallas Regionals

    I’m working on one right now. The deck should still be very similar to the builds of last year. The changes it needs are definitely 4 E Hammer, as its stupidly good in this meta, Tapu Lele for Jirachi EX possibly, though I’m still unsure about it as this is one of the few decks that still runs...
  7. InfinityFyre

    Event Seismitoad Giratina for Dallas Regionals

    Tell me about it. Night March is and forever will be my favorite deck! A couple of weeks ago, the meta looked SO favorable for it, but now there’s a pretty decent chance that they’ll be a somewhat significant amount of Toad, Giratina, and Trevenant decks running loose. :(
  8. InfinityFyre

    Event Seismitoad Giratina for Dallas Regionals

    Hey fellow Pokemon players! I just wanted to get the opinion of the community on Seismitoad Giratina. The deck hasn’t really placed for a couple of regionals, but appears to be getting a growing amount interest. The deck definitely is strong against several of the top decks, if it’s running...
  9. InfinityFyre

    Help panicing on what deck to take.

    Can TPCi just ban Trevenant? They made it fairly clear that they don't like cards (*cough* Trevenant *cough*) that lock an opponent out of the game before they play a single card. This is literally the most ANNOYING Deck to play against. Seismitoad is a very, very good, yet balanced card that...
  10. InfinityFyre

    Help panicing on what deck to take.

    Karen is WAY scarier for Vespiquen because a) Vespiquen needs to discard way more Pokemon to hit numbers and b) it only has four battle compressor. It's basically an inferior version of NM, that's slower because of evolution, less Deck space, less flexibility, and harder time hitting big...
  11. InfinityFyre

    Help panicing on what deck to take.

    Don't run parallel city. Run Sudowoodo from Gaurdians riding. I've played Zoroark a bit and with the combination of supporter for turn + multiple Trade + Puzzle of Time, getting a Sky Field and Pokemin is rediculously easy. They NEED Alolan Muk to not be severly hindered, and many lists are no...
  12. InfinityFyre

    Help Is there any way to make Mega Glalie good?

    Try Team Magma's Secret Base.
  13. InfinityFyre

    Help panicing on what deck to take.

    This is just my opinion, but I don't think turbo turtles will be very good in Dallas, just because Zoroark GX is looking to overwhelmingly the most popular deck in the event, and Turbo Turtles has a VERY poor matchup versus it simply due to the fact that the play Alolan Muk, which turns off your...
  14. InfinityFyre

    Discussion How to survive with night march

    1. I heartily disagree with the notion of a second Marshadow GX, as NM greatest strength is being able to hit ridiculous high numbers with tiny one prize attackers. The single Marsadow is simply in there for a handy type advantage and to allow to to have something that can soak up some chip...
  15. InfinityFyre

    Tournament I've devised an anti-night march deck

    No, no, my friend, one cannot simply stop Night March. You must either join it, or fall to its unrelenting might! Night March still marches on! :D
  16. InfinityFyre

    Help panicing on what deck to take.

    Many have tried. Many have failed. Despite being the most countered deck in the format, resistance is futile. One cannot hope to stand before it! Join its forces or fall to its unstoppable, relentless power, like dead leaves before the fury of a winter storm! Night March still marches on! :D
  17. InfinityFyre

    Event Dallas Regionals Expanded Metagame Predictions

    Trust me, Garbodor is absolutely essential to the deck. It stops Keldeos Rush In, Zoroark Trade, greninja's Giant water shurikan, etc. There are so many different abilities in expanded that make Sableye's game plan infinitely more difficult to pull off. However, I would be interested in what...
  18. InfinityFyre

    Event Dallas Regionals Expanded Metagame Predictions

    Just a heads up. Garbotoxin, which can consistently be online by turn 2, shuts off ALL abilities like Trade, Stand-In, and Propogation, so the Zoroark player's top decks can be controlled by the Sableye player as he would most other decks. Also, Delinquent is in the deck to get rid of stadiums...
  19. InfinityFyre

    Event Dallas Regionals Expanded Metagame Predictions

    Gyarados has awesome matchups against any Gx/Ex based decks, but item lock absolutely annihilates it and it has trouble trading with Night March. I'd love to see this buzzwole/duscknoir list though
  20. InfinityFyre

    Event Dallas Regionals Expanded Metagame Predictions

    Hey, thanks for your insight! I was pretty surprised Wailord topped (I thought this deck was past dead lol) and I really wish I had some beaches so I could try it out as it looks pretty darn good against a lot of the meta right now. I think that Zoroark GX is going to completely infest Dallas...