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  1. Tyranitar92

    Ruling regional championship tomorrow

    No you can't Holon's Magneton and Electrode are Pokemon cards not energies in your discard pile.
  2. Tyranitar92

    Ruling React Energy

    Oh thanks for the help !
  3. Tyranitar92

    best Pokemon ex pokemon

    Tyranitar ex
  4. Tyranitar92

    Ruling React Energy

    I think you can
  5. Tyranitar92

    Ruling React Energy

    When you have a pokemon that uses react energy for his attack (ex. Machamp LM) and you use rainbow energy or scramble energy as react energy does the attack do more damage?
  6. Tyranitar92

    Tuesday, 3/14, D/P Types

    Can we write decklists in the article for strategists to help us explain better?
  7. Tyranitar92

    Sunday, 3/12, PokeBeach Strategists

    Well that's good because tomorrow I have half-school day so hopefully I will be able to write it tomorrow
  8. Tyranitar92

    Saturday, 3/11, Manene and Manyula Name Hints, EX HP Factoid, Mew/Lucario and Special

    Are there any pokemon ex in Holon Phantoms?
  9. Tyranitar92

    Friday, 3/3, The Return of..., More Updates Later

    In the Miricle Crystal info page there is written that there is going to be 8 exes but with Groudon and Kyogre there are 10. this set is going to be SSSSSSSOOOOOOO AWESOME!!! Thanks for the pics :)
  10. Tyranitar92

    Wednesday, 2/22, Instructions for Downloading Pokemon, Sign-Ups Still Open

    I'm very busy with school this year but if you need me it's ok
  11. Tyranitar92

    Saturday, 2/11, Site Suggestions

    RE:  Saturday, 2/11, Site Suggestions Yeah, I meant that. Tks WPM for moving the scans upwards.
  12. Tyranitar92

    Saturday, 2/11, Site Suggestions

    WPM did you recieve the e-mail with some more scans of Legend Maker?
  13. Tyranitar92

    Saturday, 2/11, Site Suggestions

    Well in the morning (on weekends) and after school (school days) as soon as I wake up and as soon as I get home to school I go to the computer and turn it on. I open internet explorer and write I love this site. The only things that I would like to be changed are the scans. I...
  14. Tyranitar92

    Sunday, 2/5, More EX LM Scans, LM Theme Deck Lists, Apprentice Patch Updated

    Hey, if you enter there is a picture of Flygon ex
  15. Tyranitar92

    How do prereleases work?

    Of course he told Legend Maker because that is the expansion of the set right now
  16. Tyranitar92

    ! EX LEGEND MAKER SCANS ! (Thursday, 2/2)

    Well , here in Malta we get 5 boosters and construct a deck from those cards (40)... aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh finally they are here I've been waiting for them a long time
  17. Tyranitar92

    Booster Box question

    does anyone know what boxtopper is going to be in legend maker
  18. Tyranitar92

    The [silly] one above.

    ^ LOVES eating pokemon cards
  19. Tyranitar92

    The One Below

    well.. actually 13 V likes to post on the pokebeach forums