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  1. Erlik23

    Standard Troll aoe bench kill deck

    Yeah i have the the Raticate break deck built already. I just was using this deck build to troll for fun online.
  2. Erlik23

    Standard Fairy Defence

    Pokemon: 14 3 - Diancie Ex Fco 2 - M Diancie Ex Xy promo 1 - Hoppa ex Xy promo 1 - Shaymin Ex Ros 2 - Sylveon Ex Gen 2 - Lugia Fco 3- Xerneas Xy Trainers: 33 4- VS Seeker 3- Trainers Mail 3- Max Elixir 3- N 3- Professor Sycamore 4- Ultra Ball 1- Lysandre 2- Fight Fury Belt or 2- Assault...
  3. Erlik23

    Standard Troll aoe bench kill deck

    Pokémon - 17 3 Raticate BREAK BKP 89 3 Rattata EVO 66 3 Raticate EVO 67 1 Glaceon-EX FAC 20 2 Kyurem-EX AOR 25 1 Manaphy-EX BKP 32 2 Remoraid BKT 31 2 Octillery BKT 33 Trainer Cards - 33 3 Rough Seas PRC 137 3 Trainers' Mail ROS 92 1 Lysandre FLF 90 1 Team Flare Grunt XY 129 3 Max Elixir BKP...
  4. Erlik23

    Standard Fairy Defence

    lol had to go back and read the fighting fury belt again that sucks :(. Maybe toss in a assult vest or two for more defence since alot of pokemon decks are running special energy
  5. Erlik23

    Standard Fairy Defence

    Thank you both for the advice on the deck. I will head over to the local card shop to pick up the other mega. The trianer card you both recommend i will give it a go. The only thing im worried about is the fact of no spirt links but that would also come in handy since i would be able to put...
  6. Erlik23

    Standard Fairy Defence

    Hey everyone i just wanted to get some helpful suggestions on this deck. I play at a local league and im running into alot of dark decks and the new volcanion. Pokemon: 13 3 - Diancie Ex Fco 1 - M Diancie Ex Xy promo 1 - Hoppa ex Xy promo 1 - Shaymin Ex Ros 2 - Sylveon Ex Gen 2 -...