Search results

  1. S

    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. *bump* new wants.
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    ~~ Tweed

    RE: Tweed great condition and protection, +1 ref!
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    ~~ 80baby

    RE: 80baby received and great condition, +1 ref!
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    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. that or tyranitar prime
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    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. i have 1 donphan prime left and the scyther has a tiny scratch on the scythe but other than that it's in good condition.
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    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. sorry i wasn't interested.
  7. S

    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. sorry i'm not interested.[hr] sorry, nothing i needed.[hr] sorry, nothing i need.[hr] i could do, x2 calls and x1 kingdra prime is that okay with you?
  8. S

    Now updated with (Luxray GL Lv.X & Uxie Lv.X) bring me new primes and (JPN) mer

    RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas) i'll do it for my x4 DCE sure, pm me to finalize
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    Now updated with (Luxray GL Lv.X & Uxie Lv.X) bring me new primes and (JPN) mer

    RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas) i'm VERY interested in your x2 Charizard AR and x4 Call Energy i have a lot from your wants but CML to make a deal.
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    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. *bump* new wants
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    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. deal pm me for details.
  12. S

    Have: Staples and More!! Want: Video Games and Systems

    RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Trading Thread!! my Blaziken FB lvX, x2 darkness energy(HGSS) and x1 metal energy(hgss) your x2 charizard(arceus) and x2 call energy. lmk.
  13. S

    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. *bump* new wants and haves.
  14. S

    Chia Trades [H] Lots of new Ex's [W] Darkrai ex regular and shiny rayquaza

    RE: [W] SP trainers ,Toxicroak G Promo,Uxie X[H] Kingdra prime,3 RH Spiritombs etc my RH pokemon comm x3 SP radar x2 Garchomp C (regional promo) x1 power spray x1 Crobat G your x1 kingdra prime.
  15. S

    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. sorry but i really need a 2-1-2 line, only then would i consider it for my Flygon X.
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    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. sorry but you don't meet the needs of my wants.
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    XxKillaftwxX's trade thread

    CML for x2 Kingdra Prime, will trade big!!
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    received the cards, great trader +1 ref
  19. S

    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. yessir!
  20. S

    SoundBot's Trades! need SP material? uxies? MD-TM

    RE: SoundBot's Trades! Meta Pokes,Primes,Lv X's. *bump*new wants and haves