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  1. chris.n7

    Paldean Wooper, Mismagius, Dendra Illustration Rares from ‘Triplet Beat!’

    Oh boy here comes another overpriced trainer card.
  2. chris.n7

    “Scarlet ex / Violet ex” Secret Rares! Rainbow Rares Gone, Special Illustration Trainers!

    Great, the golds are just 5ban graphics style again, trash.
  3. chris.n7

    Miriam Full Art, Scovillian and Mabosstiff Illustrator Rares Revealed!

    I've played over 100 hours of SV and never seen Miriam in my life.
  4. chris.n7

    Full Arts Return to “Scarlet / Violet ex,” New Illustrator Rares Revealed!

    Sorry I don't like ugly cards. Why would I want to pull these?
  5. chris.n7

    Full Arts Return to “Scarlet / Violet ex,” New Illustrator Rares Revealed!

    Ugh, full arts, waste of the SR slot.
  6. chris.n7

    “Scarlet & Violet” Prerelease Promos Revealed!

    No, I like nice looking cards sorry.
  7. chris.n7

    “Klara / Cyrus Premium Tournament Collections” Product Images Revealed!

    Oh boy I wonder which one of these will sit around on shelves forever.
  8. chris.n7

    Scarlet & Violet Holo Effects Revealed, Includes Foil Card Borders!

    Woo... another boring holo pattern. I just want cosmo's and similar holo. The weird scanline holo for SWSH holo rares was awful, and this is just bland.
  9. chris.n7

    Iron Treads ex, Gardevoir ex, and More “Scarlet ex & Violet ex” Cards Revealed!

    These ex cards look a million times better than GX and V cards.
  10. chris.n7

    Alolan Vulpix Sleeves Banned from Worlds and Higher-Level Play

    The primary purpose of cards sleeves are for storage and protection.
  11. chris.n7

    TPCi Files Exciting New Tech Patent for Tracking Cards During Gameplay!

    Lol doubt it'll work considering how trash their QC is.
  12. chris.n7

    Special Secret Rare Energy, Thievul Art Rare from “VSTAR Universe!”

    I wouldn't mind pulling them if they didn't have a chance of being the only SR you get in the box.
  13. chris.n7

    Special Secret Rare Energy, Thievul Art Rare from “VSTAR Universe!”

    Part of the normal set, like they are in English. They all look like 5ban Graphics cards no matter who the artist is, that's why no one wants them and they're all cheap as chips.
  14. chris.n7

    Special Secret Rare Energy, Thievul Art Rare from “VSTAR Universe!”

    And they don't deserve to be, is what I'm saying.
  15. chris.n7

    Special Secret Rare Energy, Thievul Art Rare from “VSTAR Universe!”

    I know that, but pulling just an energy as your only SR is bound to annoy anybody, I can't imagine anyone being happy with that as their main pull.
  16. chris.n7

    Special Secret Rare Energy, Thievul Art Rare from “VSTAR Universe!”

    Full Art Pokemon shouldn't be SR's anyway.