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  1. Expert_Occultist

    Standard Mantis Lock Lurantis GX/Vileplume.

    I've used this a fair bit online and I can safely say that Tanure13's list is very good. I agree that 3 Shaymins are MUCH better than 2 because Balling for missing pieces is much better when you have a Shaymin already in hand. Balling for Shaymin just feels inefficient. I've also played some...
  2. Expert_Occultist

    Expanded Solgaleo-GX / Bronzong

    I run a very similar deck! It's nice to see other people recognizing Solgaleo in expanded. I recommend cutting the Skylas (never needed them/run Trainer's Mail instead. It's faster/lets you use other supporters) to fit in a couple secondary attackers for some additional utility and because I...
  3. Expert_Occultist

    Expanded Solgaleo/Bronzong

    A very good idea for sure but I'm not sure what to take out. Maybe AZ and Ghethsis since they don't further my plan as much as other cards.
  4. Expert_Occultist

    Expanded Solgaleo/Bronzong

    Mons (18) 3 Bronzor (FC) 3 Bronzong (PF) 3 Cosmog (SM) 1 Cosmoem (SM) 3 Solgaleo GX (SM) 2 Shaymin EX (RS) 1 Aegislash EX (PF) 1 Dialga EX (PF) 1 Giratina (promo) Trainers (33) 4 Battle Compressor 4 Trainer's Mail 1 Computer Search 3 Ultra Ball 2 Level Ball 3 Rare Candy 4 VS Seeker 2 Sky Field...
  5. Expert_Occultist

    Blog Fear the Night: Yveltal in the Standard Format

    About your closing statement about matchup analysis I agree that you make it seem like the matchups against every meta deck are always in your favor but this seems to be a trend in every single deck article I've ever read. If your deck is good against every deck in the format then, gosh, it must...
  6. Expert_Occultist

    Blog To Infinity and Beyond: The Rise of Mega Mewtwo

    Can you explain Pokemon Center Lady a little for me? How does removing your damage counters translate to Damage Change fuel? Also, isn't Parallel City a little awkward with Garbodor?
  7. Expert_Occultist

    P!P/Rules Should Garbodor be Banned?

    If Nightmarch and three different flavours of item lock weren't enough to force a ban Garb won't either. Garb isn't even that bad. Forgive my ignorance but I can't think of any decks that become completely unplayable with abilities turned off (ok Greninja but that deck is really strong in any...
  8. Expert_Occultist

    2017 Format Rotation Announced!

    I think another winner from rotation is M Mewtwo EX (either one). They just lost a big predator in Night March that was holding them back from being the powerful, consistent threat they could be. They also don't loose anything, retain Shrine of Memories, and don't care about Garbodor at all...
  9. Expert_Occultist

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    I wanna believe Hydreigon BREAK will be good but it probably won't be :(
  10. Expert_Occultist

    Blog Blast From the Past - A Comprehensive Intro to the Legacy Format

    My main criticism of the format is that they created a cool format that I might want to play but didn't make it any easier to get into that format online. While trading for BW is easy enough trading for HG/SS is not and they don't offer those cards in their online store often enough. Code cards...
  11. Expert_Occultist

    Blog Blast From the Past - A Comprehensive Intro to the Legacy Format

    Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Why didn't they just ban Shiftry from Unlimited?
  12. Expert_Occultist

    Standard Greninja BREAK

    I guess. I use a mix of Dive and Level Balls and it works fine for that. I'm not keen on discarding much in this deck because it all feels important at any given time
  13. Expert_Occultist

    Standard Greninja BREAK

    What does Ultra Ball do that Dive Ball does not and for free?
  14. Expert_Occultist

    Standard Aerodactyl / Omastar

    I wouldn't give up on this deck yet. I'm testing a Mew/Shuckle/Archie's Ace in the Hole build and it's pretty ok so far. Still working on some kinks though
  15. Expert_Occultist

    Discussion Anyone Else Notice How Corrupt the Metagame is Right Now?

    I'm fine with almost everything you listed and here's why: Shaymin EX: Yes, this goes in almost every deck. Yes, this costs upward of $50. This game however, is cheap enough that I'm ok with this one card being the majority of my deck building expenses. Once you have Shaymin and the staple...
  16. Expert_Occultist

    Standard XY-On: Serperior / Ariados

    This will increase your energy requirements a bit but every think of running a couple Sceptile EX to provide more power/piggy back off of Servine/Ariados?
  17. Expert_Occultist

    Expanded VirGen (Virizion EX / Genesect EX)

    I run a Virgen deck myself so I'll throw in my 2 cents. What I've found is that the Virgen core lacks the power of modern EXs. What it has is speed. I love Hoopa in the deck as starting with Shaymin + 2 goons you need is great. Now on to the meat. I'm not a huge fan of Puzzle of time as it does...
  18. Expert_Occultist

    Blog World Domination — An Analysis of State Championships and the New Legacy Format

    I agree with that part but that's not the same as having a 50% WIN RATE. The top might be infested with trees but Trevenant's WIN RATE would not be as high as NM. Get it?
  19. Expert_Occultist

    Blog World Domination — An Analysis of State Championships and the New Legacy Format

    Bannings never happen just because something's popular. There's usually a crazy win % behind it to (if a deck has a 50% win rate vs the majority of decks in the format it's time for a good, hard look). Bannings don't have to be a bad thing either. Hell, NM mons are cheap as dirt. Just build...