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  1. Expert_Occultist

    Blog World Domination — An Analysis of State Championships and the New Legacy Format

    I disagree, I think Yu-Gi-Oh holds that title. Magic only bans when it has to
  2. Expert_Occultist

    Blog World Domination — An Analysis of State Championships and the New Legacy Format

    MtG has a similar deck called Dredge but it's kept in check by graveyard hate ie. cards that remove your opponent's graveyard/discard from the game. Dredge can win through the hate but it takes real skill on the Dredge player for sure. Without graveyard hate Dredge would dominate for sure. NM...
  3. Expert_Occultist

    Discussion Non-aggressive / Non-lock Play Styles Not Supported in Competitive Play

    I came from Magic which is often quoted as THE complex and competitive TCG but my girlfriend was never a fan of the game so I introduced her to Pokemon earlier this year. We've been playing together (mostly online) ever since. I don't think having a simpler game is necessarily a bad thing as it...
  4. Expert_Occultist

    Legacy Format?

    They couldn't just ban Shiftry?
  5. Expert_Occultist

    Legacy Format?

    I think it's interesting in that, while some of the trainers are useful, a lot of the HGSS pokemon don't seem usable at all. Even the Primes have stats that just seem outclassed by BW standards especially by the EXs. This means that, to me, the old cards need some sort of ability to be usable at...
  6. Expert_Occultist

    Legacy Format?

    So Pokemon TCG online just had a big update and part of the update is a new format called Legacy. The format is apparently Heartgold/Soulsilver to BW. I've never heard of sure a thing (Magic the Gathering aside ;)). Was this something they were planning to for a while now? What do you think of...
  7. Expert_Occultist

    Gastly and Pansear 'Fates Collide' One-Pack Blister Promos

    Everyone is just gonna run Marowak and it's going to completely kill Toad? I don't see that happening
  8. Expert_Occultist

    Deck Archetype Yveltal-EX Variants

    Is there any way to hybridize the 2 deck strategies (poison and Maxie's)? I'm sure such a list exists but what does it look like?
  9. Expert_Occultist

    Blog Alakaboodle - Awakening Of The Psychic King Set Review!

    Sorry I was just bewildered about the confusion of Zygarde and Regirock in the first sentence and couldn't make heads or tales of the rest of your reply after that. It all makes sense now thank you :)
  10. Expert_Occultist

    Blog Alakaboodle - Awakening Of The Psychic King Set Review!

    I'm confused. Are we talking about ZYGARDE or REGIROCK here? This quote has you flip-flopping. Zygarde has 3 attacks not one :/ Your points on Regirock still stand but that's not what I was talking about. I wanna know why ZYGARDE will be bad
  11. Expert_Occultist

    Blog Alakaboodle - Awakening Of The Psychic King Set Review!

    Couple things here: G Booster requires two grass energy so I'm not sure how well it's going to work with the steel type Genesect also "Zygarde-EX is pretty bad IMO, with maybe it’s first attack being OK for knocking out basics Turn 1." Please explain further. As far as I understand it this is...
  12. Expert_Occultist

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    No love for cheap, efficient Serperior with a useful stage 1? I love designs like this :) Edit: lol ninja'd
  13. Expert_Occultist

    Discussion Neglected Pokémon in the TCG

    Forgive my newness but what legal reasons?
  14. Expert_Occultist

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    I like how they're experimenting with new HP tiers for EXs (150, 190, 160 for Jolteon). Everything being either 170 or 180 was getting boring. I also like that they seem to be preparing for rotation. Lucario EX and Strong Energy won't be around forever while fighting needs to keep its its...
  15. Expert_Occultist

    Standard Clemont's Lightning (Raikou / Magnezong)

    I would love to see Jolteon EX used in something like this
  16. Expert_Occultist

    Expanded Speedy Sceptile EX

    Am I missing something? Doesn't Imakuni confuse your OWN active mon?
  17. Expert_Occultist

    Standard Poison Pals (Dragalge / Crobat)

    Float Stone/Switch etc I'd love to see your list once it's done. I'd add another line of bats myself but it's just so much deck space. I'd like to see how you pulled it off
  18. Expert_Occultist

    Standard Poison Pals (Dragalge / Crobat)

    I do run Judge in the OP list. Good call on the extra Valley though as they're never bad. I'll try to make room for it Edit to avoid double post: I just had a Poison Barrier lock on a Manaphy EX deck. It was glorious. Changed the decklist to reflect my current build
  19. Expert_Occultist

    Standard Poison Pals (Dragalge / Crobat)

    Nice mini-report! If you've found a configuration you like I would love to see a decklist. What was your energy split?
  20. Expert_Occultist

    Standard Poison Pals (Dragalge / Crobat)

    Thanks for all the awesome replies! I didn't even think of dragon energy and it probably wouldn't hurt the deck much while letting my Dragalge actually retreat! It's so obvious now! I'll be testing those right away (6-2, more if I feel like it)! I like Judge because, while it's obviously not...