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  1. Freezerbern

    Trades [USA-WW] Freezerbern's Trade Thread! H: Primal Clash, Roaring Skies W: Sceptiles and Trevenants

    RE: Freezerbern's trade thread: W: Legends! (anything interesting) Have: Newer stuff Peter: What are your point values on each? Leon: I have a rev one. Fluttershy: Do you have any legend pieces? I was also interested in FA Reshiram (BLW), FA Thundurus& FA Tornadus (EPO), and SR Kyurem (DRV)
  2. Freezerbern

    Trades [USA-WW] Freezerbern's Trade Thread! H: Primal Clash, Roaring Skies W: Sceptiles and Trevenants

    RE: Freezerbern's trade thread: W: Legends! (anything interesting) Have: Newer stuff Nope. Don't have them. I had both of them until a few days ago. I'm sorry :(
  3. Freezerbern

    Trades [USA-WW] Freezerbern's Trade Thread! H: Primal Clash, Roaring Skies W: Sceptiles and Trevenants

    RE: Freezerbern's trade thread: W: Legends! (anything interesting) Have: Newer stuff sorry to say but I don't have the Deoxys anymore. I got rid of it awhile back. I just forgot to change the post name. but I am interested in the N FA
  4. Freezerbern

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: W: BULK! H: Deoxys ex, Thundurus ex, Shiny Ultra Ball... lets see... My: Pokemon Sapphire-1300 Moltres EX-250 Latias EX-250 Your: Palkia/Dialga Legend full-800 Raikou/Entei Bottom-700 3 Infernape PLS-300 ?
  5. Freezerbern

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: W: BULK! H: Deoxys ex, Thundurus ex, Shiny Ultra Ball... How many Infernape PLS do you have? (Point value on them too please)
  6. Freezerbern

    Infernape PLS

    Set up accelerator, use your ex attacker that you power up with accelerator, while you attack set up other, and its prize trade time
  7. Freezerbern

    Infernape PLS

    We forget because its from the base set of bw and probably soon to be rotated. That an there is a SERIOUS lack of of real fire attackers, even in the form of EX. Water acceleration is way better with current pokemon
  8. Freezerbern

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: W: BULK! H: Deoxys ex, Thundurus ex, Shiny Ultra Ball... Alright, I'll be making an offer as soon as i figure out what to offer :)
  9. Freezerbern

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: W: BULK! H: Deoxys ex, Thundurus ex, Shiny Ultra Ball... Could you give me point values on all of them except Entei and suicune full, entei and raikou top, and suicune and raikou full? I LOVE legends, so I'm SUPER interested!
  10. Freezerbern

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: W: BULK! H: Deoxys ex, Thundurus ex, Shiny Ultra Ball... Two questions. What is the value of non EX but FA cards such as BW Zekrom? Also, do you have any legends (complete or not)?
  11. Freezerbern

    Infernape PLS

    Blastoise BCR comes to mind. If you want 120 per turn, you can deluge and attach for turn while also setting other attackers up, such as articuno. Also catcher and laser. [hr] And deoxys ex
  12. Freezerbern

    What do you think the next rotation is?

    Dex on is my guess
  13. Freezerbern

    Trades [USA-WW] Freezerbern's Trade Thread! H: Primal Clash, Roaring Skies W: Sceptiles and Trevenants

    RE: Freezerbern's trade thread: W: Legends! (anything interesting) Have: Newer stuff, Deoxys EX FA Mini bumpdate
  14. Freezerbern

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: W: BULK! H: Deoxys ex, Thundurus ex, Shiny Ultra Ball... Sounds Good! I'll PM to confirm
  15. Freezerbern

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: W: BULK! H: Deoxys ex, Thundurus ex, Shiny Ultra Ball... My: Mewtwo Lv. X (set)-800 Thundurus EX-1000 Thundurus EX FA-1400 RDL Top-400 Latios EX FA-500 47 C/UC- 101.05 Total 4201.05 pts. Your: Golden Catcher-4200 pts. ?
  16. Freezerbern

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: W: BULK! H: Deoxys ex, Thundurus ex, Shiny Ultra Ball... How Much is thundurus ex Full art? It says regular is 1000 so how much is added for full artiness?
  17. Freezerbern

    Trades [USA-WW] Freezerbern's Trade Thread! H: Primal Clash, Roaring Skies W: Sceptiles and Trevenants

    RE: Freezerbern's trade thread: W: Legends! Have: Newer stuff, Deoxys EX FA Bump 3
  18. Freezerbern


  19. Freezerbern


    Ive got shiny and FA terrakion. Im intrested in 3 ho oh exs and 4 weavile plf
  20. Freezerbern

    Trades [USA-WW] Freezerbern's Trade Thread! H: Primal Clash, Roaring Skies W: Sceptiles and Trevenants

    RE: Freezerbern's trade thread: W: Legends! Have: Newer stuff, Deoxys EX FA Bump 2