RE: Hybrid's H/W List (Blaziken FBX, Absol G X, Staples, SP Stuff, Call of Legends!!!)
This is what they look like. They are the small 12mm ones. 36 of them and I still have the original case.
Aquerple Dice
RE: Hybrid's H/W List (Blaziken FBX, Absol G X, Staples, SP Stuff, Call of Legends!!!)
I am interested in your Absol G X and your Absol G. I have some tournament legal Chessix 12mm (36 Borealis) barely used dice.
RE: mr.619's thread. Need Magnezone stuff ASAP before states! Help me out!
Magnemite TM RH x4
Magneton TM RH x1
Yanmega Prime x2
Tyranitar Prime x2
PM me if this is ok.
RE: mr.619's thread. Need Magnezone stuff ASAP before states! Help me out!
I can throw in the Yanmega Prime and something else for another Tyranitar Prime.
RE: Trades from the Sixth Dimension! *US* (H) PRIMES, LV.Xs, PLAYABLES
Magnezone Lv. X
Chatot MD
Poke Drawer +
Horsea LA
Seadra LA
Smeargle UD
Professor Oak’s New Theory
I agree with some of Rikko's points. However, every time you buy anything there is a scam involved. Nothing is worth what you buy it for. TV's, computers, gas, clothes and so on. The responsibility of a company is to make money and you do that by advertising which drives up expenses and then in...
RE: (-o-) xPOKEFREAK72x (-o-) WANT DPL TOP!!!
x2 Mew Prime
PDL top
Crobat G x2
Poke Drawer+
Poke Blower+ x3
Feraligatr Prime Promo
Pokedex Handy 910is x3
Poke' Turn
Psychic Energy HGSS x2