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  1. MudkipV3

    My haves and wants trading... ^_^

    Me, around 3 collectors, and like 1 reversal, no commun atm i guess I have scizor prime and others CML LMK thank you
  2. MudkipV3

    Have 2x Hydreigon, RH Garchomp + 2x Ray FA. Have Dragons Exalted+older EXs W] Darkrai EX, Zekrom EX

    RE: Glaceon's trades! ~My Uxie X +DCE, your 3x Gengar Prime~ [H]Mew Prime! no and its #20 im afraid
  3. MudkipV3

    Zephy's Trades! [H] Raikou EX, Mew EX, & Golden Catcher [W] Giratina EX, and DEX

    RE: Zephy's Trades! [H] DGX, Sleeves & Tons More! [W] TR Lithograph & Gengar Prime! Based on price would you do My: Blazkin FB Reg x1 RH cursegar Your: Reversal x1 Profesor Oaks New Theory x3 SSU x5 Communication x1 Anything else you see though? Cause your about 1~2 dollars short here This...
  4. MudkipV3

    Zephy's Trades! [H] Raikou EX, Mew EX, & Golden Catcher [W] Giratina EX, and DEX

    RE: Zephy's Trades! [H] DGX, Sleeves & Tons More! [W] TR Lithograph & Gengar Prime! CML Pokemon Reversal x1, Pokemon Communication x1 and Professor oaks new theory (if that IS what you meant by Prof Oaks) x3 And super scoop up x5
  5. MudkipV3

    Have 2x Hydreigon, RH Garchomp + 2x Ray FA. Have Dragons Exalted+older EXs W] Darkrai EX, Zekrom EX

    RE: Glaceon's trades! ~My Uxie X +DCE, your 3x Gengar Prime~ [H]Mew Prime! I would really like your collector, cml thank you, i have a couple things off your wants, mostly low stuff though
  6. MudkipV3

    MudkipV3. [H] DGX, Primes [W] Gigas Stuff

    RE: MudkipV3.TONS OF SP STUFF I just put all my sp stuff up, i give up on sp, it got boring and honestly its just gonna get rotated. If you want my steelixes i need to know what else you have, your list is just a lux auction, or if you would take just one steelix and someting of about 1.50...
  7. MudkipV3

    My haves and wants trading... ^_^

    Skipped, I have a lot of your wants, do you have any pokemon collectors, communications, or even reversals?
  8. MudkipV3


    RE: My trade thread Skipped, CML kingdra prime, do you have any collectors?
  9. MudkipV3

    Chia Trades [H] Lots of new Ex's [W] Darkrai ex regular and shiny rayquaza

    RE: CHIAs[H]Gyarados deck stuff, HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Luxray X,Mew Prime,Gengar Prime Skipped. CML Kingdra Prime i have some of your main wants
  10. MudkipV3

    dmaster's TCG Thread - H: Triumphant

    RE: dmaster's TCG Thread - H: Triumphant, Machamp Prime; W: RH SP, Cities Playmat Would you CML for your Kingdra Prime and RH Professor Oaks New Theory? Thank You :D
  11. MudkipV3

    Chia Trades [H] Lots of new Ex's [W] Darkrai ex regular and shiny rayquaza

    RE: CHIAs[H]Gyarados deck stuff, HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Luxray X,Mew Prime,Gengar Prime CML Kingdra Prime x2, i have some of your main wants
  12. MudkipV3

    Wise-Cracker's Trade Shop!!! [H] Machamp X, 2x Flygon X

    RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!! Yeah actually, we can do that, il pm you
  13. MudkipV3

    Please close

    RE: Have Lux x & Mew Prime want Eeveeloutions CML for your Kingdra Prime x2, Thank you :D
  14. MudkipV3

    Wise-Cracker's Trade Shop!!! [H] Machamp X, 2x Flygon X

    RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!! According to T@T thats almost even, but would you toss in a couple reversals to even it up?, i need em anyway XD. Pokemon Reversal is like 40 cent XD
  15. MudkipV3

    Wise-Cracker's Trade Shop!!! [H] Machamp X, 2x Flygon X

    RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!! Maybe if you add in a couple collectors, or like, a collector and a couple comunications or something? Those are my big wants, i need a deck thats not all proxies XD
  16. MudkipV3

    MudkipV3. [H] DGX, Primes [W] Gigas Stuff

    RE: MudkipV3.TONS OF SP STUFF I said or something, its hard to see what else you have because your thread is basicly just lux x D:
  17. MudkipV3

    MudkipV3. [H] DGX, Primes [W] Gigas Stuff

    RE: MudkipV3.TONS OF SP STUFF Could you then throw in like a collector or a communication or something to make it even :/ 2x6.50=13 3x5.50=16.50 Yeah :P
  18. MudkipV3

    Trades [USA-WW] xPOKEFREAK72x W: LEGENDS, H: Lots

    RE: (-o-) xPOKEFREAK72x (-o-) CML any kingdra prime and communication.
  19. MudkipV3


    RE: My trade thread CML kingdra prime, do you have any collectors?
  20. MudkipV3

    UPDATED WITH UD and more staples come and see

    CML pokemon comunication x4 and pokemon reversal x2