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  1. M

    Best way to get into the TCG?

    Alright, so I've never even played the TCG, but I used to collect the cards for fun as a little kid. Recently, I've been interested in getting into the more competitive level. So where should I start? What specifically should I buy? Any help whatsoever would be useful. Thanks.
  2. M

    (1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

    Sylveon...sylver..silver..metal..and metal is found in the ground..near rubies and sapphires! It's obviously a conspiracy to reveal the gen 3 remakes
  3. M

    XY What new Types would you like to see in X and Y?

    Okay, so I know I'm going to get torn apart by you guys for suggesting these, but how about a "beast" type? (Had dragon type in mind) Or maybe a Gold or Diamond type? I know Rock/Ground/Steel sort of covers those but hey, we're just speculating some new types.
  4. M

    (1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

    When I was watching the live stream, I was a little worried that the announcement would be Ruby and Sapphire remakes. Sure that would be great and all, but I love playing with new Pokemon. This is a nice announcement because I'm starting to get really excited like I was the months before Black...