Search results

  1. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Ok, thanks for the list. My favourites are definitely Jirachi, Salamence and Manaphy. Have you got a list of the Trainers/other cards that you would like from me in exchange?
  2. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    How many rates have you got? If there's not too many, do you want to just list them out for me? It's kinda hard for me to make an offer when I have no clue what you have.
  3. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Frost - That sounds good. If you'd like, we could just add on to this trade. If not, that's just fine too :)
  4. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    I've got tons of trainers, yeah. Are you looking for anything specific? I haven't got too many things besides Potions, Poke Balls, etc., but I've got a few more rare things. If you could give me a list of, say, 5 things (or more!) that you'd be interested in, I'll take a look through my...
  5. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Dun - Yeah, I'd definitely interested. Here's the ones I'm most interested in... x1 Donphan Prime (107/123), preferably without the crease x1 Mew Prime (97/) x1 Gengar Prime (94/102) x1 Magnezone Prime (96/102) x1 Absol Prime (91/102) x1 Crobat Prime (84/95) x1 Kingdra Prime (85/95) What did...
  6. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    I think I could do that, but what set is it from?
  7. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Cool! So then... Chandelure Holo - $1.50 Emboar RH - $3 Giratina - $2 So, you've almost got enough for the Moltres. I'd be willing to go with my lower prices for the Moltres and the Rayquaza, so you'd need probably one more rare/uncommon RH to get the Moltres, and two more to get the Rayquaza.
  8. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    I'm interested in almost any Rares, pretty much. I also really like EXs, Lv. Xs and Primes.
  9. iateabear

    Trades Ira’s list *Updated 09/15/13

    Hey! I'm interested in all of your cards from Plasma Storm, plus your Latias and Latios EX from Plasma Freeze. See anything on my list you'd like for them?
  10. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Alright... Just a few things... PLF Kyurem Holo is on eBay for $4. The non-holo would, obviously, be worth less than this. Moltres EX is on eBay for $8-9, Rayquaza EX is about $9-10. So, so far, you'd need to add quite a bit of value on your end to make this trade somewhat even. If you've...
  11. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Frost - I can probably add the Rayquaza, yeah. Do you want to write out our trade as to who's giving what (Frost is giving; bear is giving)? I'm a little confused... Daen - PM on the way... It2Z - I'll take a look on your thread and let you know what I've got momentarily... [hr] Alright, I...
  12. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Daen - I'm afraid the Lugia Full Art would have to be swapped for a pretty large want. It's in my Plasma Storm set (only three cards away from completion), so I'd rather hold on to it. There's no sense in trying to complete a set only to trade one of the more valuable cards in the set...
  13. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Yeah, Latios is one of my favs too. So, here's my values... Latios EX - $8-9 Giratina PLS - $1.50 Common Holo/RH - $0.20 Uncommon Holo/RH - $0.40 Rare Holo/RH - $0.90 These values are, of course, up to discussion. Let me know what amounts of cards you have (your values as well, it can't...
  14. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Not a problem about the lack of holo-ness (or however one writes that)! I'd definitely be interested in making a trade! What from my list did you like?
  15. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Podote - Yeah, I'd be interested in those, the Dark Charizard more than the Platinum Arceus ones (I think that's what they are, they're the cracked ice holo, right?), and I'd love the Espeon, so, yeah, I'm interested. What off my list did you like? Frost Mage - Yeah, I'd probably be...
  16. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Alright, lets bump this list to the top. I just updated my list, so everything should be in order.
  17. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Pieter - All right! I could give you 2 Lv. Xs and the Suicune and Entei Legend Bottom Half for it, if you'd like.
  18. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    List updated!!!
  19. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Alex - Have you got a list? Also, what did you see from my list that you liked?
  20. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Pieter - I'd be more than interested in that deal, except for the fact that I just traded my Gardevoir. See anything else you liked?