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  1. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Binx - Hey! I'd be interested in... topps clear chase card charizard UK merlin sticker card- holo charizard pop4- holo rare promo flygon topps 1998 charizard topps advanced challenge charizard topps advanced challenge flygon artbox advanced challenge flipz card flygon line Just one note - the...
  2. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Bump to the top!
  3. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Darkrai - Did you see anything other than the Scramble Switch? It's in my Plasma Storm set, so I'd rather not trade it. Rayquaza - Can I let you know in a day or so?
  4. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Rayquaza - I'd be interested in Pokemon White, but it wouldn't be a fair trade for you. Did you see anything else on my list that you liked? Poke freak - I'm interested in all of those cards except the Moltres (I already traded for one). I'd be open to trading a Lugia EX regular art for...
  5. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    rayquaza - Sure! Have you got a trade list?
  6. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Well, as I said before (at least I think I did), I could do two of my older EXs and a few nice throw ins for the Articuno. Interested?
  7. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    I didn't see anything else, sorry.
  8. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Well, if you average out the eBay BIN listings, each of my EXs are worth $6, and the Articuno is worth $12. So, if you wanted, I could do two of my EXs and a little something else (big throw in, or else you could CML for something).
  9. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Well, I only need the Articuno, because I just traded for a Cobalion, and the Lugia is worth more than the Articuno. The only other thing I saw from your list that I liked was your Salamence Lv. X. If you can work me out an offer, I'd be more than happy to look it over!
  10. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Yeah, I guess I could throw in the Lugia, but that would be putting too much on my end. Would you be willing to do something like this? My Lugia EX Regular Art PLS Shiftry EX Mightyena EX Delcatty EX Something small For your Charizard EX FR LG Articuno EX PLS Does this look good to you?
  11. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Darth - Hey! What about something like... My Shiftry EX Mightyena EX Delcatty EX Something else For your Articuno EX Cobalion EX I would give you either the Lugia or the Black Kyurem, but they're in my Plasma Storm set, so I don't really want to trade them. I already traded the Dustox, so I...
  12. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Keldeo- I think I'd rather hold on to that for now. Thanks anyways! Freezer - I just traded for a Moltres EX, so it's not really a huge want anymore. If you've got any of my other wants though, I may consider a deal!
  13. iateabear

    No problems about the cards! Thanks for the trad!

    No problems about the cards! Thanks for the trad!
  14. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Salamence - Yeah, I could do that. I tried to send you a picture of the cable, but the program wasn't working for me. I'll send you a PM...
  15. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Keldeo - Will do. Salamence - Ok, how's this for an offer... My: Golden Random Receiver x1 N Regular x1 Toploaders x10 Dynamotor Eelektrik Regular x2 Professor Juniper Regular x3 (more as a throw in than anything else, I've got so many of them I don't know what to do with them all) For your...
  16. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Salamence - Still working on that offer. I'll let you know in a bit (actually, I just haven't had much time lol). Keldeo - I just traded the Mews and the Mewtwo, sorry. I gotta do a big list update. Miasma - I just traded the Mew, sorry. Also, the Lugia is one of my favourite cards in my...
  17. iateabear

    Trades [USA-WW] Freezerbern's Trade Thread! H: Primal Clash, Roaring Skies W: Sceptiles and Trevenants

    RE: Freezerbern's trade thread: W: EX's Have: PLASMAAAAA!!! Yeah, I could add in the holo Blaziken. I'll PM you to finalize the deal!
  18. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Salamence - Alright, sweet. I can probably free up about 15 toploaders for you. How about I draft up an offer, send you a pic of the cable and an offer tomorrow morning?
  19. iateabear

    Trades [USA-WW] Freezerbern's Trade Thread! H: Primal Clash, Roaring Skies W: Sceptiles and Trevenants

    RE: Freezerbern's trade thread: W: EX's Have: PLASMAAAAA!!! Alright. What about... My Feraligatr Prime (set) ($5) Gengar Prime ($5) Holo Swampert (Supreme Victors) ($2.50) Absol G Lv. X ($8.50) Darkrai Lv. X (8.50) For your 1x Moltres EX ($9.25) OR 1x Cobalion EX ($14.50) (if it were the...
  20. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Puzzle - At the moment, I'm liking the offer that may be developing in between Salamence and I a little better than ours. Can I keep you posted? Keldeo - I'm not sure that it would be worth my sending to the UK for this deal. The deal is a nice one, but I'd be trading away a valuable card from...