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  1. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Keldeo - Well, the FA is a part of my PLS set, so I'd rather not trade it away. I'd be more likely to trade my RA, because it's easier to replace. What's your value on on the Colress and the two different Lugias? Alex - Well, thanks for your time! Puzzle - I liked your Cobalion EX (PLS?)...
  2. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Grant - I just traded the RH Hypnotoxic Laser, but I have a few regular ones if you'd be interested. Keldeo - Yeah, I do have a few regular Colress I could give you if you wanted. Which Lugia were you looking at, the Full Art or the Regular? [hr] Alexander - I just traded the RH Hypnotoxic...
  3. iateabear

    Keldeo's TCG Shop

    RE: H: Latias and Latios EX W: Deoxys and Thundurus EX Hey! Want to check my list for... 1x Full Art Victini EX 1x Moltres EX 1x Cobalion EX 1x Full Art Colress x1 Latias EX x1 Latios EX Thanks!
  4. iateabear

    Trades [US Only] W: Bulk W: Metagame H: EX, FA Supporters, TSS, Packs, & Tons of ex/Lv X/Prime/Stars

    RE: W: Bulk/Points, Staple Trainers H: Deoxys, FA supporters, TSS, holo energy & tons of ex/lv. x/prime Hey! Wanna check my list for Victini EX FA Colress FA Thanks!
  5. iateabear

    Long overdue update! H: EXs, Full Arts & more! W: Beach, Black Kyurem EX PLS, FA Supporters, COL Ene

    RE: H: EXs, Full Arts & more! W: FA Supporters, Holo Energies, CYL Hey! Wanna check my list for your Victini EX FA (Plasma Storm, I assume)? I'm pretty sure I've got a holo Water-type energy (the one with Lugia in the background) unlisted somewhere that I could dig out for you, if you'd like.
  6. iateabear

    Have Booster Packs, WOTC Shadowless and 1st ed., Battrio coins, Collectibles, more!

    Hey there! Want to check my list for... Lugia Legend (full) Raikou & Suicune Legend (full) Suicune & Entei Legend (full) Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend (full) Darkrai & Cresselia Legend (full) Palkia & Dialga Legend (bottom) By the way, you might want to remove the little thing at the top of your...
  7. iateabear

    Trades [USA-WW] Freezerbern's Trade Thread! H: Primal Clash, Roaring Skies W: Sceptiles and Trevenants

    RE: Freezerbern's trade thread: W: EX's Have: PLASMAAAAA!!! Hey! Wanna check my list for... 1x Articuno EX x1 Victini EX (if it's the FA) 1x Moltres EX 1x Cobalion EX 1x Lugia EX 1x Latias EX Assuming all but the Latias are from Plasma Storm. Thanks!
  8. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Alright, it should be all fixed up. I'm not arguing the rule, but why am I not allowed to say that a card is (for example) in my Plasma Storm set, so it's a bit overvalued? To me, it seems like the nice thing to do, so that someone knows that I value the card a little more than usual before...
  9. iateabear

    Let's Make Some Trades!

    Hey everybody! So, I'm new to PokeBeach, but not to internet trading, so I do apologize if I'm not up to scratch on the rules/being a noob. Now, on with the trades. Oh yeah, rules! 1. Don't say anything against Christianity or God in general. 2. PokeBeach rules 3. Be polite. No polite, no...