Search results

  1. Z

    Zephy's Trades! [H] Raikou EX, Mew EX, & Golden Catcher [W] Giratina EX, and DEX

    RE: Zephy's Trades! [H] McD Promos, FA Reshi, EP & more [W] McD Promos & Dragonites & EP! Sorry, but I've got a Thundurus coming in already. Do you have an extra Tornadus FA by chance?
  2. Z

    Trades (US) omahanime - added Boundaries Crossed - updated April 24

    RE: omahanime - added BW2 Red Collection - updated August 27 Cool, ok I'm not sure how high you value the Kyurem, so I'll just throw something out. Your Kyurem My POP Rewards Upper Energy POP Rewards Volkners POP Rewards Cynthias Feel free to counter. Thanks
  3. Z

    Large Update! Looking for a few things!

    RE: T-Peezy's Trades HUGE UPDATE! Trade me your FA Reshiram! Hi there, I have the FA Reshiram you seem to be looking for. I am interested in your FA Tornadus, and maybe a Reuniclus. Feel free to CML if need be. Thanks!
  4. Z

    Trades USA 12/04: JPN FA, Promos, Complete Sets, BINDER [W] JPN/ENG promos

    RE: 8/26 H: 1st ED BW1 and Red Collection! W: WotC Cards, Pikachu Hi there, could you please CML for your Red Collection Kyurem? Thanks a lot!
  5. Z

    Have 2x Hydreigon, RH Garchomp + 2x Ray FA. Have Dragons Exalted+older EXs W] Darkrai EX, Zekrom EX

    RE: Glaceon's trades!- [H] Magnezone Ttar Vaporeon *, Shuckle, & Shaymin[W]Tornadrus, and Catcher GOTHITELLE needed Read the rules. Cml for Shaymin UL please. I have an Absol prime amongst other things.
  6. Z

    Zephy's Trades! [H] Raikou EX, Mew EX, & Golden Catcher [W] Giratina EX, and DEX

    RE: Zephy's Trades! [H] McD Promos, FA Reshi, EP & more [W] McD Promos & Dragonites & EP! Bump!
  7. Z

    Storm Blade's trade mart W: Kyurem EX, Regigigas EX Zekrom EX Shaymin EX

    RE: eevee's trade mart W: Bulk Jirachi COL/UL H: Abiliboar Hi there. I've got 2200 bulk c/uc cards that I'd like to trade. I am interested in Latios*, Suicune* and CoL Shiny Entei. If my math is right that should be just enough for those 3. LMK if we can work something out. Thanks
  8. Z

    Zephy's Trades! [H] Raikou EX, Mew EX, & Golden Catcher [W] Giratina EX, and DEX

    RE: Zephy's Trades! [H] McD Promos, FA Reshi, EP & more [W] McD Promos & Dragonites & EP! Bump!!
  9. Z

    Have: Even more Emerging Powers! FREE RARE CANDIES WITH EVERY TRADE

    RE: H: Catcher, Gothitelle, Beartic, Tornadus FA, Thunderus FA Yeah, I could do that. I'll PM you.
  10. Z

    Have: Even more Emerging Powers! FREE RARE CANDIES WITH EVERY TRADE

    RE: H: Catcher, Gothitelle, Beartic, Tornadus FA, Thunderus FA I do not have any if your RH wants sadly. As for the bulk, I'm not sure. Maybe 600-700ish? What were you thinking?
  11. Z

    Have: Even more Emerging Powers! FREE RARE CANDIES WITH EVERY TRADE

    RE: H: Catcher, Gothitelle, Beartic, Tornadus FA, Thunderus FA Would it be possible to trade some bulk for a FA Thundurus? Feel free to CML for other things. Thanks
  12. Z

    (1) P!P Premiere Event Schedule to Change This Year: Two-Day Regionals? [8/21]

    That's true, never thought of it that way. Still kinda sucks if you don't book a room because you don't expect to to cut, and then miraculously make it. Oh well, I'm all for less stress that day though. :P
  13. Z

    Storm Blade's trade mart W: Kyurem EX, Regigigas EX Zekrom EX Shaymin EX

    RE: eevee's trade mart W: Bulk Jirachi COL/UL H: Abiliboar Hi there, I have a few questions about your bulk trades, do you only want cards in rotation? Or anything? Are trainers ok as well? Thanks!
  14. Z

    Zephy's Trades! [H] Raikou EX, Mew EX, & Golden Catcher [W] Giratina EX, and DEX

    RE: Zephy's Trades! [H] McD Promos, FA Reshi, EP & more [W] McD Promos & Dragonites & EP! I do, how many do you need?
  15. Z

    Zephy's Trades! [H] Raikou EX, Mew EX, & Golden Catcher [W] Giratina EX, and DEX

    RE: Zephy's Trades! [H] McD Promos, FA Reshi, EP & more [W] McD Promos & Dragonites & EP! All I saw was a Yanmega Prime. As far as FAs I only have Rehiram right now. Unfortunatley I have no collectors for trade. Can we work something out?
  16. Z

    (1) P!P Premiere Event Schedule to Change This Year: Two-Day Regionals? [8/21]

    Living in SoCal, I have very mixed feelings about the 2-day, 2 dates regionals. First, November? Really?! Why so soon? The Metagame will have barely changed at all. Second, it was hard enough to get 1 day off for regionals, now I might have to ask for 2 days? And possibly even get a hotel room...
  17. Z

    Trades (US) omahanime - added Boundaries Crossed - updated April 24

    RE: omahanime - added BW2 Red Collection - updated August 7 Hi there, I am interested in your Red Collection Kyurem. I have the Upper energy POP rewards from your wants. Please CML for more, thanks. Edit: I also have the Volkners and Cynthias POP rewards if you still want those.
  18. Z

    Trades [USA-WW] xPOKEFREAK72x W: LEGENDS, H: Lots

    RE: (-o-) xPOKEFREAK72x (-o-) H: CRYSTAL LUGIA!!! (Pictures on Post #901) Hi there, I have the 2 Seekers you are looking for. I am interested in some of your EP stuff, mainly the Gothitelle and Catcher, so feel free to CML for more. Thanks
  19. Z

    Zephy's Trades! [H] Raikou EX, Mew EX, & Golden Catcher [W] Giratina EX, and DEX

    RE: Zephy's Trades! [H] McD Promos, FA Reshi, EP & more [W] McD Promos & Dragonites & EP! Sorry, I do not need the regular Zekrom anymore. oh and BUMP!!!
  20. Z

    Zephy's Trades! [H] Raikou EX, Mew EX, & Golden Catcher [W] Giratina EX, and DEX

    RE: Zephy's Trades! [H] McD Promos, FA Reshi & more [W] McDonalds Promos & Dragonites! Sorry I took so long! The only other thing I liked was Cincinno