Not sure how anyone could dislike the TG. It has made sets a lot more enjoyable to open, and I'm glad we didn't simply get another side special set that would be scalped and expensive. The cards look great and aren't fifty billion trillion dollars.
I think I'd be a bit less heated if they didn't give them to trainers too. Like, I get it for Pokemon, but it literally just ruins the trainers. It's not a surprise the regular FA's tend to be worth more on the singles market
I think those cards had an odd charm, but even during gen 3/4 I disliked the awful 3D models used for some Pokemon. It got particularly bad in gen 5 with those bland backgrounds used for holo pokemon in the first few sets
Just because little Johnny is five, it doesn't mean he likes a garbage 3D rendered pokemon over something nicely drawn. I used to in fact be a kid and prefer the nicely drawn cards over the dreadful 3D cards. Next time don't respond in a rude way over a lighthearted comment.
It's not that they're bad (at least they rarely have complete misses), but a lot of times they're just...mediocre? You look at it and think "oh ok it's a Pokemon" and not "oh wow this is a cool card I want to collect".
Yeah I agree tbh. Some non-AA full arts look nice, but sets are way too big. Nothing worse than pulling a garbage full art that is just there for filler
Hmm, a few things on that matter
1) Pokemon releases several sets a year now where 4 of those sets are averaging 200+ cards. Even if we ignore SR's that's like 150 cards with new art. There probably aren't many artists who can draw well enough that quickly. It's similar to the reason why a lot...
Poor shadowing, linework, coloring, perspective, and, well, practically all of it. I'm not entirely sure how old you are, but I recommend taking some art classes so you can get the needed skills to reflect your creative thinking.
Why the hell are we still getting 5ban graphics cards when there are people infinitely people at doing CGI renders of Pokemon?
I'm not the type to be a boomer and say "hurr 3d bad", but Christ is it embarrassing we aren't see more art like the type submitted in this contest.
It honestly annoys me we stopped getting reprint/celebration sets as booster boxes. Legendary treasures was a blast to open; I don't want to open $50 ETB's if I can just drop $100 on a booster box instead that features a mixture of new cards and reprints.
Jesus some of y'all have negative friends or social skills. Before Logan it was "hurRRRRRRRR whY aM I mOckEd fOR lIkiNg pOkemOn duMb nORmiES!!!!" now a dude helped push the card-collecting part of Pokemon into being cool and suddenly he's responsible for all scalping and everything bad in...