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  1. HershelLayton

    “Divergent Powers Tins” Revealed!

    Yassify'd Typhlosion >>>
  2. HershelLayton

    Summer’s “League Battle Decks” Revealed!

    They do that in Japan, but unfortunately they don't care to do it here. It's a shame because I really would love to rock a high rarity deck with ultimate rare Borrelswords, Accesscodes, etc.
  3. HershelLayton

    “Time Gazer” and “Space Juggler” Fully Revealed!

    Yeah honestly beyond Kleavor V being disgusting I'm a big fan of these cards. Looking forward to getting the entire set
  4. HershelLayton

    Summer’s “League Battle Decks” Revealed!

    The hope is the announced reprints in the upcoming megatins will help out. It's in Konami's best interests to capitalize on Master Duel's popularity and make the game as accessible as possible. All the handtraps being reprinted will be a huge helping hand to new players.
  5. HershelLayton

    “Time Gazer” and “Space Juggler” Fully Revealed!

    If we don't get Luxray and Jirachi alt arts I am going to riot
  6. HershelLayton

    Summer’s “League Battle Decks” Revealed!

    I think Pokemon right now is the cheapest by far to play competitively. Lord help you if you have the audacity of wanting to play, say, competitive Yugioh right now
  7. HershelLayton

    Machamp VMAX and Kleavor VSTAR from ‘Time Gazer’ and ‘Space Juggler!’

    Machamp is arguably one of the best looking regular Vmax's. Such a nice looking card, but it's the first time I recall seeing that illustrator?
  8. HershelLayton

    Energy Loto from ‘Space Juggler’!

    This is a pretty good card. Yeah not every deck will use it, but goodness it'll be an insane consistency boost for decks reliant on special energy
  9. HershelLayton

    Shaymin, Greedent Line from ‘Time Gazer!’

    Almost like greedent is the best ?
  10. HershelLayton

    KFC Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott Promos to Release in Japan

    Does KFC even do promotions or kid's meals anymore?
  11. HershelLayton

    2022 Pokemon World Championships in London, August

    Is there an online scene? I'm not the type to complain about spending money, but I'd love to try it out first and see what it's like
  12. HershelLayton

    2022 Pokemon World Championships in London, August

    Of course they don't, that doesn't sell cards!
  13. HershelLayton

    2022 Pokemon World Championships in London, August

    Not gonna lie I have no motivation to go to play at events when every person and their grandma is running Mew/Genesect. It sucks cause Yugioh is unplayable at the moment and Pokemon decided to create a stale format due to those two and now Arceus Vstar.
  14. HershelLayton

    Three Regional Deck Boxes Releasing from Ultra PRO!

    Christ almighty would it KILL them to not use stock art for the Pokemon? I feel like there's a better chance of getting an F-zero game before they put more effort into English accessories
  15. HershelLayton

    Hisuian Growlithe, Hisuian Arcanine from ‘Time Gazer’!

    That Arcanine is hideous; doesn't help the pokemon itself is ugly. Hard to complain though because Himeno has created a lot of art (with much of it being fantastic). We can't expect everything made by someone to be 10/10
  16. HershelLayton

    Heatran VMAX, Heatran V, and Wyrdeer V Revealed from S10!

    That Heatran Vmax may be one of the ugliest cards I've seen yet. Who decided to make a Heatran card over literally any of the other legendaries? Would rather see another Charizard card honestly
  17. HershelLayton

    “Brilliant Stars” Hobby Store Freebies: Massive Posters, Mouse Pads, and More!

    These are pretty cool. I know the kids that drop by my locals will go crazy over these.
  18. HershelLayton

    All “Battle Region” Secret Rares Revealed — Plus Box Pull Rates!

    WHY would they keep rainbow rares and not make more alt arts??? Christ is this company incompetent.
  19. HershelLayton

    Pokemon Presents Announced for Sunday!

    > get it right the first time round > Game Freak Pick one ?
  20. HershelLayton

    PTCG Live Will Make It Insanely Affordable to Build Pokemon TCG Decks!

    "You criticize a company, yet still want their product. Hurr hurr I am indeed so intelligent for my ability to create strawman arguments"