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  1. KeoKeo

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    Beedrill is a troll, one of in Alol Exeggutor/Sceptile GX +PoTown to take out those GXs OHKO. Alolan Exeggutor's looking broke in expanded where with propogate egg it can consistently hit 190 (with choice band, playing it safe) The fossils look really cancerous if you can get them to work. (G/M...
  2. KeoKeo

    'Tag Team Tins' in March!

    A GX and a Tag Team GX? (attack)
  3. KeoKeo

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    Because young kids in America don't play the formal tcg most times....
  4. KeoKeo

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    T1 Horror House GX could be really annoying for some decks like (insert evolution deck here). Prevents one whole turn of needed speed. (snipe the alolan vulpixes)
  5. KeoKeo

    News 'Eevee-GX Box' in January!

    Jolteon's free retreat and bullet punch looks decent. Play some rainbow energy to use that when playing Flareon for it's acceleration. Vaporeon doesn't feel too good.
  6. KeoKeo

    Discussion Is starting 2nd becoming a big problem? Should it be balanced?

    Starting first in most decks (standard) gives too heavy an advantage if you use a deck that relies heavily on evolution. (Oh look Roanoke was won by a deck with 4 separate evolution lines) Don't know what to do about it though, maybe stop a number of items from being played on the first player's...
  7. KeoKeo

    News 'Eevee-GX Box' in January!

    Wow. I didn't think about that. Vee!
  8. KeoKeo

    Help What is currently being played right now, What should I play?

    Decks that utilize single prize attackers are popular right now, causing decks like Rayquazza and Buzzwole GX to fall in power due to a loss in the prize trade. Zoarark GX is still as viable as ever, especially as most single prize decks can't OHKO it (unlike Ultra Necrozma, Rayquazza, etc.)...
  9. KeoKeo

    News 'Towering Splash-GX Box' in January, Features New Tag Team-GX!

    I've figured it out how it works: Magikarp jumps, Wailord falls.
  10. KeoKeo

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    No hiding on the bench anymore. With Ninetales.... NOTHING CAN ESCAPE THE KILLER CLOWN!
  11. KeoKeo

    News 'Towering Splash-GX Box' in January, Features New Tag Team-GX!

    350 (muscle pad) HP Wailord and her wingman Hammers have entered the chat
  12. KeoKeo

    News 'Eevee-GX Box' in January!

    It's a pseudo Alolan Ninetales; on one hand it's a supporter and can only search the top 7 cards, on the other it can grab any trainer (opposed to Alol. Ninetale's items), and doesn't take bench space....
  13. KeoKeo

    SM10 'Double Blaze,' 'GG End,' and 'Sky Legends' Announced!

    :rolleyes: "I'll run a deck without GX, Malamar, Shrine, and Weavile!" *2 seconds of getting pummeled later* :confused:
  14. KeoKeo

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    Power Creep = Playable Shadow Lugia
  15. KeoKeo

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    "Has nervous breakdown as realizes that soon 190 damage isn't going to be enough"
  16. KeoKeo

    Eevee & Snorlax-GX Tag Team Partially Revealed!

    Zoarark: laughs at malamar and its puny darkness weaknesses Malamar: places, instantly charges, and OHKOs Zoarark. Zoarark: :eek:
  17. KeoKeo

    New 'Melmetal-GX Box' in February!

    Well, let's hope this isn't made too broken like Zeroarua. The mechanics will be sure to be interesting, perhaps an anti Team-GX card?
  18. KeoKeo

    'GX Ultra Shiny' Pack Featuring Shiny Pokemon, Worldwide Card Legality After All?!

    I LOVE that Shiny Alolan Vulpix. It's so CUTE!!!!!
  19. KeoKeo

    New 'Let's Play' Theme Decks Featuring Pikachu and Eevee!

    No! Fewer trainers means less consistency, and less consistency makes the game boring when both sides are bricked out because you only have 6 draw supporters in a non Zoarark-GX deck! Trainers are life!
  20. KeoKeo

    News 'Lost Thunder,' America's November Set!

    Well, the main combo of Blacephelon uses Nagnadel to fuel it's Mind Blown attack (because Blacephelon can use any energy attached to any of your Pokemon, not just Blacephelon), so it uses Beast cards to help it. Turtonator don't got that and has one more energy needed.