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  1. KeoKeo

    News Japan's First 2019 Sets: 'Night Unison,' 'Full Metal Wall'

    Zoarark-Greninja's GX could be good for stage 2 GXes. If Dedenne's ability is from hand (not something ridiculous like end your turn to discard and draw 6), that's going to be verrrry good. The Raichu looks alright, as long as it's not "If your opponent has 4 less prizes than you"
  2. KeoKeo

    News Rumored New Pokemon Appears Publicly in 'Pokemon GO,' Then Vanishes!

    I hope it's not another collect cells to obtain Zygarde mechanic, because I wasted so much time and frustration on that....
  3. KeoKeo

    News 'Lost Thunder,' America's November Set!

    Yes! We get ridiculous consistent Grovyle!
  4. KeoKeo

    News 'Eevee-GX Box' in January!

    What if..Eevee GX- evolves into Eeveelution GX!
  5. KeoKeo

    New 'Let's Play' Theme Decks Featuring Pikachu and Eevee!

    I mean it's cute, but..... it doesn't really help no? In fact, this could be teaching the wrong principles; I remember no one ever taught me to mass trainers in a deck for the first 3 years of my introduction to PTCG, and things got really boring really fast because no draw supporters=fast brick.
  6. KeoKeo

    News 'Dark Order,' Japan's October Mini-Set!

    When you're sad, because Ampharos GX isn't going to see the light of day with Buzz/Shrine/Garb being so popular.
  7. KeoKeo

    News 'Dark Order,' Japan's October Mini-Set!

    This is one of those times I wish I knew Japanese (there are a lot of times....) because Tapu Koko PS better have a good ability, cause LLC for 110 ain't cutting it for a prism star weak to baby buzz.
  8. KeoKeo

    News Rumored New Pokemon Appears Publicly in 'Pokemon GO,' Then Vanishes!

    I had hoped it actually wouldn't be this one.... (but I guess it's fine, hope it'll be viable in OU)
  9. KeoKeo

    News 'Towering Splash-GX Box' in January, Features New Tag Team-GX!

    Splash GX- 20 W energy You may only use this if you have 20 W energy attached to this Pokemon. (prevention of Trickster GX, move copiers, etc.) If you can actually use this attack, you automatically win the game (and congrats from PTCI, we might have to ban this)
  10. KeoKeo

    News 'Towering Splash-GX Box' in January, Features New Tag Team-GX!

    fff That would be amazing, the ultimate ptci troll.
  11. KeoKeo

    News Japan's First 2019 Sets: 'Night Unison,' 'Full Metal Wall'

    I mean, previously they didn't need much help.... in fact seeing more dark and fighting support is actually scary, because pre-rotation Zoraork was (and still somewhat is) broken, not to mention Buzzwole. It's time for new decks to emerge.
  12. KeoKeo

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    YESSS!!! I've been waiting 2 YEARS for this. I hope it uses some damage counter manipulation or perhaps lost zone mechanics, just like previous Gengars. No fainting spell though; I'm not giving up 3 prizes to get a 1 prize baby Buzzwole. (Creep show anyone?)
  13. KeoKeo

    Japan's 'Tag Team GX Premium Trainer Box' To Also Include Tapu Lele-GX!

    Well, we know what this means. PTCI is raising a new cash cow soon.
  14. KeoKeo

    'Explosive Impact,' Japan's SM8 Set; Raises Questions About Switch Release

    I could see a rouge decks utilizing Unown Damage, Po Town, Sceptile GX (because grovyle's ability is brokenly consistent), and perhaps shrine of memory and a one of Shuckle-GX.
  15. KeoKeo

    'Explosive Impact,' Japan's SM8 Set; Raises Questions About Switch Release

    I want a Lost World Prism Star now.
  16. KeoKeo

    Major 'Pokemon Switch' Rumors Today -- A Breakdown and Analysis!

    The option to choose which M Charizard to evolve into doesn't actually sound that bad; I love Charizard Y's weather based power, but it's very situational (especially when Tyranitar is running around and sandstorming everything), so being able to choose whether I want M Charizard X or Y is nice-...
  17. KeoKeo

    News 'Dark Order,' Japan's October Mini-Set!

    In expanded (with any deck) , you could also discard a teched in Hoopa and save it for whenever your opponent pulls out their GXs then Nanu your (assorted vulnerable GX) away and stall out your opponent.
  18. KeoKeo

    News 'Dark Order,' Japan's October Mini-Set!

    Nanu seems like you could run a one of copy in some decks just to get rid of unwanted pokemon like Lele (when its wasting bench space). Elm looks like a more versatile Brigette with limitations that won't hurt most decks (most basics are 60 or less, only things like baby buzz can't be selected...
  19. KeoKeo

    'Explosive Impact,' Japan's SM8 Set; Raises Questions About Switch Release

    It's got a decent amount of HP, and it resists fighting (though with rotation coming, we might not have to worry about that anymore). Don't see a niche for it though.
  20. KeoKeo

    SM7a 'Fairy Rise' Announced!

    They're not bad.... but unless we see something so dominant that people go to lengths such as putting 2 weakness policy in their decks just to stop OHKOs every other turn, it's probably not going to see much tournament play.