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  1. R

    'Omega Ruby' and 'Alpha Sapphire' Releasing November 2014! [5/7]

    What's with the yellow glowing in Kyogre's body? Looks awesome. I seriously can't wait for these games. I know we won't be in Hoenn thanks to the hotel guy in X and Y, so I wonder where we'll be? Will we return to Hoenn post game at all? Will there be any new Pokemon in this new region? Other...
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    XY Future Regions in Gen VI

    I'm going to have to agree with Mrphan for the professor thing, but everything else I can see as being a viable point.
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets Doesn't look like there's any seasonal changes in these games... :(
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets I know what I'm doing tonight :P Thanks for the idea. OMG I'm not even going to tell anyone if I find one. I'm just going to go into the Battle Spot and do some battles and have everyone go "WTF IS THAT??" lol.
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    XY Future Regions in Gen VI

    I too believe that there will be another new region for Z version. Also, we could be getting the long awaited R/S/E remakes. In city farthest to the East (can't remember the name right now because I don't have my 3Ds with me, there are train tracks. Sure, they look like the head West, but if...
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    XY Possible Leaked Pokémon: Diancie, Volcanion, Hoopa, and more!

    RE: Possible New Pokémon: Diancie, Volcanion, and Hoopa Well, perhaps not a patch, maybe it'll be a secret item like a ticket or something that unlocks another region.
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    XY Possible Leaked Pokémon: Diancie, Volcanion, Hoopa, and more!

    RE: Possible New Pokémon: Diancie, Volcanion, and Hoopa OMG Could you imagine if Game Freak managed to pack another region into the data of the cartridges and made it only accessible with a patch... They could put 8 more badges, new Pokemon, new mega evolutions, even further evolutions of gen...
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    XY New Encounter Changes

    So I know about the shaking bushes and trash cans, and the Pokemon dropping down in caves but I just experienced an encounter I hadn't seen before... A wild Fearow dove down from the sky at me! It happened on victory road... Anyone else have this happen to them?
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    XY Pokémon X / Y: Tips & Tricks!

    I just EV trained my Adamant-Iron Fist Pangoro. 252 Atk, 252 Hp, 6 SpD. He is only level 35 right now and so far he's tanked through two elite four members. Seriously a good add to ANY team. I also have a bunch of Adamant Iron Fist Panchams if you don't want to search for one yourself. PM me...
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    XY Shiny Pokémon Mechanics: Less Rare in X / Y

    RE: Shiny Pokémon in X / Y: Less Rare & More Special Ok, so now I'm p***ed off. I found a shiny Zangoose in a horde battle with 4 Seviper... And all of the Seviper attacked it before I could catch it. WHY?! WHY SEVIPER? WHY COULD YOU NOT LET YOUR ENEMY LIVE JUST THIS ONCE!!!
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets Interesting... I look forward to finding out more about this mystery witch.
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    XY Possible Leaked Pokémon: Diancie, Volcanion, Hoopa, and more!

    RE: Diancie, Volcanion, and Hoopa? These Pokemon would come after Zygarde in the Pokedex. This is the norm for event Pokemon. It is highly unlikely that GF would put three brand new Pokemon into Z version and not have them in X or Y. Different formes perhaps, but not completely new Pokemon...
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    XY Shiny Pokémon Mechanics: Less Rare in X / Y

    RE: Shiny Pokémon in X / Y: Less Rare & More Special .. I have chained to 241 and still NOTHING. DAMMIT. I WANT A SHINY DRAGALGE!!!
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    XY Shiny Pokémon Mechanics: Less Rare in X / Y

    RE: Shiny Pokémon in X / Y: Less Rare & More Special Ok, I've been trying to MM a froakie but after filling 12 boxes, I've got nothing... So now I pose this question: For the MM to work, can I use a japanese ditto and breed it with my in game Greninja? Or do BOTH Pokemon have to be male and...
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    XY How to get Strange Souvenir

    As long as its 4 days in a row, it's fine, I doubt GF would ever make an in game event that requires you to do it right at the beginning of the game and then for another three days.
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    XY Shiny Pokémon Mechanics: Less Rare in X / Y

    RE: Shiny Pokémon in X / Y: Less Rare and More Special No, sadly you have to wait until the summary screen. Would be so awesome and convenient if you could just see it on the selection screen.
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    XY Shiny Pokémon Mechanics: Less Rare in X / Y

    RE: Shiny Pokémon in X / Y: Less Rare and More Special I pulled a shiny Fennekin on my first try in X. Gave me a bloody heart attack when I saw it. Instantly traded it to Y (my main game because Yveltal is sexy). I also caught a shiny Minccino in the Friend Safari in my copy of Y. My friend...
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    Wi-Fi Trades 3DS Friend Code and Pokémon X / Y Friend Safari Registry

    RE: 3DS Friend Code Registry My code is 0705 2664 7237 and I will add you in about an hour when I get home from work. Looking forward to adding you to my Friend Safari! [hr] My code is 0705 2664 7237 and I will add you in about an hour when I get home from work. [hr] My code is 0705...
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    Added your friend code. Mine is 0705-2664-7237

    Added your friend code. Mine is 0705-2664-7237
  20. R

    Added your friend code. Mine is 0705-2664-7237

    Added your friend code. Mine is 0705-2664-7237